Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/28 20:38

  • Anonymous

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vaughan wrote:
debianus wrote:
Please, is there any forum moderator in this site?.

not as often as there used to be.

That may or may not be true, but the plain fact is that moderation isn't needed much on here save for the same few users who simply cannot or will not (for whatever reason) take their squabbles borne of long-standing personal differences off-board. Or at least to a different thread so that useful stuff isn't polluted.

One thread has already been locked this week because of it, so please don't make the moderators have to lock this one too.

kc0maz has made the position clear.

The truely sad thing is that any good points within the arguements are being ignored or overlooked by fellow xoopsers because the insults and abuse that surrounds them.

Respectfully yours

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/28 21:15

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

i'll stop attacking Damaster, when he's banned. i'm doing to him what he has done to many here for years and was previously banned for doing it, but unbanned since. that's my say on that matter.

as for herve & marco, i'll stop responding to their attacks when they both grow up and stop questioning & attacking everything that certain people say here when they have little knowledge of the behind the scenes facts, and as james as so rightly put it. marco was out of order & so was hervet yet again. when they lose their immature attitude, i'll leave them alone.

i fought for well over a year to have these kinds of arguments removed and they were the ones who so loudly accused us of censorship and not in open-source spirit etc.. but now i've turned the tables on them, they don't like it and are now screaming to have you do what they previously fought against. now there's a bit of irony for you.

so there it goes, they know & you now know why i am purposely responding to them in the way i am, with exception to Damaster who should be BANNED! i can call a compromise with herve & marco, and i certainly will if they decide to compromise on their immature attitudes to certain people. but i will not compromise on the Damaster idiot.

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/28 23:27

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

X 2 post
Do synergy or die.

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/28 23:28

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15


As asked by madfish/homergz, has this point (subforums) already been decided e.g. is the "give your feedback" another lie?


Can I ask if this thread has some sort of *official* sanction, ie. will the views expressed by the community be considered by the management? Or is it an 'unofficial' thread which will be totally ignored?

Seriously, I would like to know. Like many other people, I've been posting in 'wish list' threads for several years to no avail. It would be useful to know which threads are 'official' opportunities to provide input and which are not, because the unofficial ones (with all due respect to the orginal poster, who I know has good intentions) are a complete waste of people's time.

We need an officially recognised mechanism whereby ideas put forward by the community (or solicited feedback on whatever issue) can be reviewed and decided on. Otherwise we are pouring our energy down the drain.

we have already discovered some closed contracts, is this thread another "as is" attitude? The foundation position is less and less clear, looks more and more like it is a private club in which several have mutual contracts, based on a "as if it were an opensource project" and "give us donation" to hide things. it's time to make everything clear.

Moreover :
- before discussing subforums, would be better to know more about the big picture. How many subsites? what content in each? and then we will be able to discuss about subforums.
- Because we could imagine to have forums in each/some subsites. For me, some forums should remain in some area for experts (ex, actually: for core dev, there are already forums at SF. For module dev, there are forums on d.x.o). But to know what to do, we'd better to be aware of the overall picture.
- Keep in mind that we don't need plenty of forums. Small is beautifull. the above proposed list seems ok.


marco was out of order

when? stop attacking persons if you don't feel yourself confident. That's not the solution to your personal problems. Give more transparency to the project and it will help it to grow.
Do synergy or die.

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/28 23:49

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26


Marco wrote:
we have already discovered some closed contracts, is this thread another "as is" attitude? The foundation position is less and less clear, looks more and more like it is a private club in which several have mutual contracts, based on a "as if it were an opensource project" and "give us donation" to hide things. it's time to make everything clear.

and there you go again. making presumptions where there was non to presume.

some closed contracts? one closed contract you mean. the one that james as explained twice nw. did you not read his post? or did you choose to disregard it.

foundation is not private, for crying out loud, you have had this explained multiple times by herko, and by other people with regards to the foundations standing, and why reports were never published, because it is illegal to publish reports without the boards approval, and because you & herve & Damaster & a few others drove most of the board members away, there was no board to approve them, so whilst you want the reports, you inadvertently prevented yourself getting those reports.

herve insinuates that herko has all the money, herve knows nothing in that regard even tho it has been explained.

several mutual contracts? again you are making presumptions based on what you think and not what is fact. don't express your opinions as FACT. and as i explained to you earlier, just cos it's an open-source project does not mean that nobody can ever get paid for providing services. open-source is about the software being open, not about all the crap you keep spirting off.. MS is closed source, you can't view it. that is the difference between open-source soft & closed source. but you can still charge for open-source soft.. don't confuse open source software definitions with other licensing.. because the license is a seperate thing altogether.

that is exactly what i am talking about when i said i will compromise with you & herve when you stop making those kind of insinuations.

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.

As the original poster of this thread, I'd like to apologize to all you normal xoopsers out there for the infantile and totally unrelated direction the thread has taken.
I respectfully request that the thread gets back on topic (xo forum structure.).
Further, @ vaughan and damasta. Guys, you just about screw up any thread the two of you get involved in. kindly take your arguments somewhere else and stop spoiling what could have been a useful and informative thread. You're both boring.


-self edited-
Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.

I am interested in the answer to this question. I don't want to get lost in this move when xoops.org is no longer accessible to me for posting and my services does not fit in any of the above category's.

I expect to be more in the directory type services with unbiased linking from all xoopers; past, present and future.
World community, if you will...

A wiki Community for xoopers use as they see fit and evolve to. I believe it will grow and be useful as time goes on.

This isn't being done by anyone else in the xoopsphere that I know of.

Without at least a link to xoopsinfo, xoopswiki, or xoops.org my efforts will be watered down greatly.

End User rep
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Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/29 3:31

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

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Glad to see so many inputs : )

Some points to clarify, based on my personal understanding:
1 There is no "Official Community Support Site" yet. Currently the xoops.org and sf.net/projects/xoops are the two recognized sites for the XOOPS Project
2 Xi (sorry to mention it in the irrelevant topic, but it has been talked much in the thread) was announced as yet another English support site, and will be announced as a certified English support site once it is approved, just like frxoops.org for French, xoops.org.cn for Simplified Chinese
3 The proposal is solely a proposal, looking for feedbacks from XOOPS community.

For any questions for myself, please send emails to phppp@users.sourceforge.nt

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.
  • 2007/8/29 3:52

  • seth_sd

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Uhhh, English support site? That seems rather redundant unless you are going to convert this project to another language. I have no interest in any of these battles and hijacks but let's call a spade a spade and come out with your true feelings DJ/PHPPP!

If you have no intentions of utilizing Xoopsinfo.org as the official support site and you feel it's irrelevent then say it! This beating around the bush is insane! Somebody needs to step up, grow a pair and move this thing forward. Stop moderating the forums based on personal feelings being hurt, names being called and get on with it.

Make xoopsinfo.org be forums.xoops.org, remove jmorris from root access, select the moderators, let vaughan and Damaster battle it out here in the forums un-moderated and give us all the pleasure of utilizing the new infrastructure that was built for this purpose. If you need help let me know. I do this stuff all day long.

There are some things that an open source project must pay for and hardware, hosting and consulting/implementation are just a few of those. How could we possibly have this thing without spending some money. Call Dell and tell them this is "Open Source and we need some friggin servers for free"? And, what are we going to do, take a vote from the thousands of XOOPS user on whether the organization can buy some consulting time and a couple of servers? Hell NO!

Somebody has to have some control and for better or worse thats the way it is....get over it. What's next?

"Why can't we have a car powered on a mixture of patchouli oil, ignorance, and double standards? There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of that sh1t." - LR

Re: Proposal for new forum structure on xoops.org: Comments invited.

Thank you DJ for the clarification. It is much appreciated.
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