Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/6 22:31

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

ok now it's messed up totally - it wasn't working at all - so I thought I'd try a fresh install - so I removed 1.7 (through admin) and then deleted the files and then uploaded 1.8 - however when I go to install the module i get:

Unable to install multiMenu. Error(s):
Table 'Spfvn_multimenu_counter' already exists

I imagine this is an error in the uninstall as the module has been there before - how can I override this so it continues installing or fix this error!?

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/6 22:48

  • Jharis

  • Just can't stay away

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Use cpanel to remove the table in your database. Once you drop the table you'll be able to install mm1.8

don (el paso)
motto - green chili for everything!

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/6 23:06

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

ah! I'm learning every day! Thanks pal!

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/6 23:17

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

has anyone got a dynamic dropdown menu working in your theme? I've got a horizontal menu that appears fine as a normal menu - however it fails to have any dropdowns... Is this possible?

Also I find only some of the menu types work - bascially if I set up a right-block all the menus work except:

[switch] vertical
drop down vertical
drop down horizontal

These just display the block title and nothing else?! Which is annoying as they're the only ones I need!

Is there something different about these? Do they use javascript or some different script?

Any suggestions?!

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/7 16:12

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Are you sure you are using the right link categories. As stated in my very first post : only main links activate dynamic or permanent sublinks. Not categories.

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/7 16:48

  • defwind77

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2005/11/11

Hi Solo,

Yeah I know - In page two I posted a screenshot of the way I had it set up and you confirmed it was fine - they were all main links, not categories... Not to worry I'll have a fiddle and see if I can pin it down - I'm going to redevelop the theme from scratch...

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/25 21:43

  • barryc

  • Just can't stay away

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I have a question and a possible bug to report:

What is the interaction between selecting dynamic submenu in adding a new menu item and selecting the [Menu] item in Block Format (in the Blocks setup window)? If I select Switch Vertical in the latter, it doesn't seem to matter whether I choose dynamic submenu or permanent submenu. Under what circumstances does selecting dynamic submenu provide a dynamic menu?

There seems to be a problem when I select Switch Vertical. The menus are displayed correctly and expand to show submenus when I click on the main menu item, but the link entered for the main menu item does not open. I do have the main menu item selected as a mainlink in MM.

I tried entering a full URL http://etc. instead of a relative path (modules/etc.) for the mainlink. That kills the Switch Vertical funtion altogether. In other words, the down arrow icon doesn't appear and no submenus appear when I click on the main menu item, although the latter does bring up the right page.

Any suggestions?

You can see this behavior at http://www.barryc.net

Barry Cooper
Sweet Home, Oregon

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/26 21:30

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Thanks for the report.


barryc wrote:
I have a question and a possible bug to report:

What is the interaction between selecting dynamic submenu in adding a new menu item and selecting the [Menu] item in Block Format (in the Blocks setup window)? If I select Switch Vertical in the latter, it doesn't seem to matter whether I choose dynamic submenu or permanent submenu. Under what circumstances does selecting dynamic submenu provide a dynamic menu?

I know terms may appear confusing, and I actually have been thinking about renaming them. Your comment tends to let me know I'm in the right way.

The only difference between a permanent and a dynamic sublink is the fact that dynamic sublinks are displayed only if its main link is activated (that is if the mainlink shares the same module directory as the current page). It's in no case linked to any "new dynamic menu" functions. Hope you see what I mean.

Anyway, I'll try to find terms which could reflect a better idea of this...


There seems to be a problem when I select Switch Vertical. The menus are displayed correctly and expand to show submenus when I click on the main menu item, but the link entered for the main menu item does not open. I do have the main menu item selected as a mainlink in MM.

It's not a bug. Mainlinks of the switch vertical can not operate 2 functions at same time : (1) activating the sublinks and (2) linking to another page. Thus I had to disable links on the mainlinks which have sublinks (read that sentence 12 in a row loudly ).


I tried entering a full URL http://etc. instead of a relative path (modules/etc.) for the mainlink. That kills the Switch Vertical funtion altogether. In other words, the down arrow icon doesn't appear and no submenus appear when I click on the main menu item, although the latter does bring up the right page.

Ho ho... Will check this. Possibly a bug, that is.

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/26 23:14

  • barryc

  • Just can't stay away

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In MM 1.7.4 choosing dynamic sublink allowed the submenus to appear (that is be activated) when the mainlink was chosen. This gave a similar effect to Switch Vertical, as long as each mainlink was to a different module (different module directory). I can see from your explanation that that is why, when you have mainlinks that all are from pages in the same module (in my case in the Content module, all of the sublinks open when any one of the mainlinks is selected.

The Switch Vertical option in the MM block provides the same function, and overcomes the limitation above. Knowing that the Mainlink cannot also point to a URL indicates that one will have to design menus accordingly. That is, use the mainlink entry as an indication of a set of menu options, which will drop down as submenus when the mainlink is clicked. However, as it does not link to content itself, it would be better if the mainlink item could have different attributes, e.g. different color (so as not to look like a link) and maybe to be able to be bolded or italicized. Another option would be to enable switch vertical for Categories as well or instead, and to allow admin to change text attributes (color, size, bold, italic, etc.).

One other thing: when you click on a submenu in Switch Vertical, the submenus disappear and you have to click on Mainlink again to see them. I think it would be better if they persisted until a different mainlink is selected.

For Dynamic Submenus how about Active Submenus (or Activated Submenus)? For Switch Vertical "Dropdown" might be more descriptive.

Barry Cooper
Sweet Home, Oregon

Re: [BETA] multiMenu 1.8, when mm goes dynamics
  • 2006/2/27 8:52

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Good points there. Actually, you should be able to change mainlink aspect in different manners.

1) Changing the template, and setting up a specific class for this link type.

2) Adding html code for each and every "activating mainlink". i.e.: My link title. Html is active on link titles.


barryc wrote:
One other thing: when you click on a submenu in Switch Vertical, the submenus disappear and you have to click on Mainlink again to see them. I think it would be better if they persisted until a different mainlink is selected.

Funnily, when testing the menus, this case occured, but I tended to consider it as a bug - lol. Not sure how I could reproduce this. But why not adding this as an option... Or maybe simply by editing the corresponding template, removing the de-activation code..?


For Dynamic Submenus how about Active Submenus (or Activated Submenus)? For Switch Vertical "Dropdown" might be more descriptive.

Why not :

- permanent sublinks / related sublinks
- dynamic submenus

Is it more clear that way?


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