Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/23 16:14

  • bobdt

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2003/9/11

Fixed minor bug in template of submit...
the file xdir_submit.html have all in 1 line city,state,zip and is not show "state" and "zip" the description of the form req. all this because all the "input" is in 1 line this put that in 3 different line...





Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/24 12:14

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

I love this module as you know, but I think it miss's a few things that address module has, this is more a feature request.

Not every one is from US so maybe allow the option to change the name 'State' with out having to hard code - Making it more general or options to change, so it can appeal to more countries or more people with out coding skills.

Seperate the the Zips/Postal code onto another layer, option to get rid of state abbreviation.

Allow the option to change the pink box, Doesn't always match other colors on a site, again with out having to hard code.

Allow a banner in the AD, which can be set by the admin.

As I said I love this module, and have hardcoded it to work/look better in the UK, but of course when ever you upgrade the module, I would need to do them all again.

This is great work I know the XOOPS community have been have business listing dir. for a long time, I've been asked a fair few times too. lol

The only two things I think the Address module lacks is sponsored/premium ad's and map search, other than that, this too is a excellent module.

Thanks for reading.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/24 13:50

  • Wingz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 71

  • Since: 2002/8/23

Tom, could you post a link to download your UK version please?

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/24 16:29

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21


Wingz wrote:
Tom, could you post a link to download your UK version please?

it's not really another version, just some of the text changed in the code from 'state' to 'county' and 'zip' to 'Postal Code', it won't be developed further, it's just something I had to do to use on a UK site.

I may how ever be using a the address module, which is simerlar to this one, except it already has these changes in, so upgrades to newer versions won't take any work on my or your part.

The other yellow pages mod in the dl section.

Address Module (Yellow Pages) By Shine

Hope this helps, if you would still prefer the slightly changed version of this one (XDIR) then pm me.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/24 22:26

  • builderb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2003/8/4 2

Hello all,
I do apoligize for the hard-coded portions of the xdirectory module
I created this module out of necessity for my own site since there was nothing like it at the time and that is why
you will see "bad coding standards" like hard-coding and no documentation. I've been working very quickly on this module for
my own site because there is a huge demand from local businesses to to get listed on a local directory.

And although this module works very well for me and my audience it does tend to alienate those sites in
other countries. I am working slowly but surely on enhancing this module to incorporate the requests
discussed in this forum and make it a more "world-friendly" module.
I've said this a few times but, I'll say it again...If anyone would like to help with the
enhancements I would really appreciate it

with that said, I had better get back to work.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/24 23:19

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

Excellent, I know things take time.

Once the new XOOPS structure gets underway, maybe one of the module team would like to take this under thier wing with you and help make it better.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/9/30 8:44

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1602

  • Since: 2003/7/6 0

Just wondering..
how do you make the module to appear on the front page?

like showing only the categories and sub categories. without setting them as the startup module


Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/10/6 17:27

  • builderb

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2003/8/4 2

Ok, I've been able to find some time to add the requested fields to the xdirectory module. This new version now includes the following NEW fields: address2, country, fax, and email.

You can download it here

Please post any bugs/comments to this thread.



Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/10/9 6:04

  • Wingz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 71

  • Since: 2002/8/23

Just tried to install it on a new (2.0.5) site and get this;

"Database krech_xoops running on localhost CREATE TABLE `xdir_broken` ( `reportid` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, `lid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `sender` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `ip` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`reportid`), KEY `lid` (`lid`), KEY `sender` (`sender`), KEY `ip` (`ip`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=3 is not a valid SQL!

Unable to install xdirectory. Error(s):"

I'm assuming someone else's DB name is in the SQL file. Not good. So I delete the first line on the MySQL file;

"Database krech_xoops running on localhost"

That seems to work. Module installs OK, appears in the Menu as expected. Loads OK.

On an attempt to add a listing I don't see the country/fax etc new features? The blanks are there but no descriptive label.

When I go to admin to approce the listing, the descriptions for the labels are there.

Also when adding a category, instead of "Category Name" as a label, it says "Business Name."

And how do I get rid of the Folsom details hardcoded into the address entry fields?

Interesting that the first entry number ID is 1336?

Other than that, seems to work OK.

Re: Business Directory Created
  • 2003/10/9 14:37

  • leather

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2003/10/5

Looks Great. I am real new to Xoops, so bear with me. I had planed to go in an opposite direction and hack off "MyAds" Mod because the fields/categories are totally generic. This would be a "Members Recommend" and vote giving 1 to 5 stars recommendation.

I thought, you being in such a localized market in Folsom, that you might be interested in the voting aspect to increase your membership participation in your site. And this would give you additional local merchants to approach for your Highlighted listings.

If you’re interested in how the Star rating calculation works let me know.



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