Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2003/10/31 4:34

  • onokazu

  • XOOPS Founder

  • Posts: 617

  • Since: 2001/12/13

Great, could you send it to webmaster@xoops.org, and if it works fine we will consider including it to the 2.0.x package.

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2004/2/3 18:25

  • FastEddie

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Any status on PostgreSQL support?


Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?

Why do you feel the need to double-post Ed? Won't give you more answers to your question.

I don't know how far PostgreSQL/Other DB have gone. Loads of other changes in the works, though, so it may just happen... patience.

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2004/4/6 17:41

  • Slicer

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I've got the installer, base, and all modules functioning with PostgreSQL now. For the most part it works, but there's still some bugs which I'm working on. A big one seems to be with Smarty... it's creating an empty system_redirect.html template for some reason.

Is anyone interested in helping me test and/or develop the rest of this? It would be nice to get these changes applied to the source tree so XOOPS can officially support PostgreSQL. How should I go about submitting it all for review? Thanks.


Did this intergration with postgreSQL work for you?

I'm curious about performance. It sounds like you had most of the bugs worked out. Could I get a copy of your code?

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2004/7/10 20:04

  • ingvandor

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I am working on a Xoops/Ingres interface, and I know that in the PostgreSQL interfaces are typically very close to what Ingres requires. Can you let me know your progress and status in gettng XOOPS and Postgres going? I expect that bugs and anomalies you have experienced will be similar with Ingres, and we can probably work on these two interfaces simultaneously to good effect.

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2004/7/10 20:08

  • ingvandor

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Nate, if you are stillactive with the Postgres interface, I can possibly help as part of my project to get XOOPS working with Ingres (another open source RDBS closely related to PostgreSQL). Please let me know where you're at; if you have any code to share, that would be great.\-Steve

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2004/10/4 1:11

  • aarplane

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Sounds good....

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2005/1/2 23:20

  • Evincar

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Einsturz, i would love to help you test this. How would we do this?

Re: PostgreSQL support? Why not ADODB?
  • 2005/4/12 7:45

  • Jurgen

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  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2004/11/14

So what's the current situation ? Is the issue of postgreSQL (pgSQL) solved or not ? Are there possibilities to publish a beta section for postgreSQL support and installation, so other people can help too ?


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