Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/10 11:09

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

Hiya Xoopers,

As a drive to get all the official XOOPS modules updated and working on XOOPS 2.3 and PHP 5, we would like if you would participate in the future development of this module and help with testing, new features, documentation and languages.

There have been many changes to this module, 99.5% of the code has been re-factored and the whole administration section has been changed.

This is just the first phase in the update of these modules. We will be updating the templates in the near future and adding many more XOOPS features, like Notifications, group access permissions etc.

If you would like to foster this Module and aid in its future development, please contact us.

Download the module from:

This location

Many Thanks,


Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/10 21:42

  • Zirafka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2008/8/9 1

If you want to add a new category, the server returns a blank page.

On the test server, everything works well, on the productive site module is not working.

My test System:
Verze XOOPS - XOOPS 2.3.3
Verze PHP - 5.2.8
Verze MySQL - 5.1.30-community
Verze Server API - apache2handler
Verze OS - WINNT

safe_mode - Off
register_globals - Off
magic_quotes_gpc - Off
allow_url_fopen - On
fsockopen - On
allow_call_time_pass_reference - Off
post_max_size - 8M
max_input_time - 60
output_buffering - 4096
max_execution_time - 30
memory_limit - 128M
file_uploads - On
upload_max_filesize - 2M

My production system:
Verze XOOPS - XOOPS 2.3.3
Verze PHP - 5.1.2
Verze MySQL - 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.11-log
Verze Server API - apache2handler
Verze OS - Linux

safe_mode - On
register_globals - Off
magic_quotes_gpc - On
allow_url_fopen - Off
fsockopen - On
allow_call_time_pass_reference - Off
post_max_size - 10M
max_input_time - 60
output_buffering -
max_execution_time - 60
memory_limit - 20M
file_uploads - On
upload_max_filesize - 10M

Have nice day, Zirafka

Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/10 22:13

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

PHP version must be at least 5.2.0 (and maybe plus) to run this module.
I think XOOPS modules that don't run with PHP 4 should check the PHP version and refuse to install with an error message.

Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/10 22:14

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

Can you turn on PHP debugging please and let me know if there is any errors?

But I suspect that your version of PHP is rather old on your production website and I would strongly suggest that you ask them to update or find another hosting provider who will support the latest version.

I think you need php 5.20+ for php Filters.

You can test this by using this function somewhere on a page.

if (function_exists('filter_list'))
/* filter list found */
} else {
'Error: Filters not found.');


Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/10 22:23

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

You're quite right, I am going to add the code into the install function within the module for this.

I can can put in a if statement to determine the version of PHP for the input filter and use an alternative function to filter the input.

I think that is it ironic that for years software developers tell us to use the latest version of software, yet web server owners still insist on not providing their users with up to date versions of PHP.

Ahhh, I think that would be to simple now. lol

Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/10 22:51

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

I think that is it ironic that for years software developers tell us to use the latest version of software, yet web server owners still insist on not providing their users with up to date versions of PHP.
First rule of computing:
Never touch a running system!

I can can put in a if statement to determine the version of PHP for the input filter and use an alternative function to filter the input.
Why using filter_var? What can it do more than intval?

Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/11 0:08

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11426

  • Since: 2004/4/23

First rule of computing:
Never touch a running system!

Love it!
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/11 1:04

  • vietnam

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2007/5/25

My English is not good, I want to say I do not have malicious

xoopsfaq:Function is too simple.

smartFAQ:Excellent and powerful
No longer develop it????

I was puzzled by.

Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/11 1:22

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


vietnam wrote:
My English is not good, I want to say I do not have malicious

xoopsfaq:Function is too simple.

smartFAQ:Excellent and powerful
No longer develop it????

I was puzzled by.

The first step is to convert them over to use XOOPS Object and 2.3 Feature.

The second step is to build on those new foundations and add new features.

Why not SmartFAQ?

Because this module is not a official XOOPS Module. The Module you speak of belongs to the Smart Factory and it is up to them to develop the module further.

I know myself that this module doesn't do half of what I would like it to do, but the main point is getting them ported over and working on 2.3. Then we shall start adding the new features and getting it to a decent standard.


Re: Xoops FAQ V1.15 Beta Released
  • 2009/4/11 1:25

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


Mamba wrote:
First rule of computing:
Never touch a running system!

Love it!

Until you get hit by a virus that totally wipes you hard drive and all because you couldn't be bother to upgrade to fix the security hole. Yup, sounds sensible to me


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