Gosh Solo...this depends so much on what people want to do with their sites and their target audience it could be really difficult...
but I have an idea...at least a 'basic concepts pack' useful for new xoopsers containing some basic and commonly used modules like
-news - because it is the most basic of 'content' we could use
-forum- it's a popular communication tool and a good one to learn the issues of site management, securitym groups and permissions
-downloads - good for learning to use your ftp program well
-faq's - a nice simple module suited to almost any topic - either on how to use a site as a registered user or on the content of the site
-image manger/album in a simple version.
-back up module (can't recall the name right now) - but because we keep reminding ourselves to 'backup' this is an 'essential' tool.
But if you were to package a beginners pack you would also need to have read me files that address the needs of beginers, directs them to the documentation and tutorials etc.
Once a new user got the hang of these modules they would then be better prepared for more complex modules...some of which I use and some I don't. I read about a lot more modules than I actually use!
So much of creating a good site is about discovering which modules best suit your needs. It would be a hard task to choose one module over another for a package unless maybe you 'themed' the pack somehow...
I don't know...just running ideas off the top of my head here now...
Gamers pack
Multimedia pack
Community organisation pack
Ecommerce pack
Information/resource pack
But then again I would be really careful that these modules had appropriate review files because the process of download, install, try, discover it does or doesn't do what i think has been very time consuming....but great learning
see....i can't make up my mind on this one! I learned so much doing this even though it took heaps of time that in the end it has been a worthwhile process....