for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/4/18 7:16

  • kgmetcalfe

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/3/24

This is your first time to enter the administration section. Press the button below to proceed.

pushing the button - it cycles right back to the darn same message

This is your first time to enter the administration section. Press the button below to proceed.

pushing the button - it cycles right back to the darn same message

etc etc etc....

this is the new release... so whats happening... and how can i fix it.


Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point

Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/4/18 7:51

  • kgmetcalfe

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/3/24

thankyou - will try that.
quick responce - 01:07 am here - you must not sleep either.
again thankyou.

Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point

9:09 AM here...

Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/4/18 16:10

  • kgmetcalfe

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/3/24

ok - so i followed the thread - that is not what is happening - or at least i cannot see it that way...

the cache folder has the proper permissions - but the adminmenu.php file that is supposed to be generated is not being generated and i had a copy of a adminmenu.php file - so i placed that in the folder - it worked - accessed the adminmenu - but as soon as i tried to open anything or do anything the adminmenu.php is removed. isnt in the folder anylonger. gone. it is being removed by what????

so what is causing this behaviour?
this is on a localhost - my machine is behind a router firewall and norton firewall/anitvirus.

so back to the begining. why is this happening. thankyou.

Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point


kgmetcalfe wrote:
this is on a localhost - my machine is behind a router firewall and norton firewall/anitvirus.


Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/4/18 17:13

  • kgmetcalfe

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/3/24

well that is as clear as mud...

i am not one that does code - wish i was.

no matter what i tried from the faq - and all those wonderfull answers - no joy.

all because of some stupid piece of code that handles http refferers stuff.

thanks for the help.

will keep trying to cure this - it was working - now it is not - i have access to the site on the web - so why am i not having problems with that.

makes no sense at all. oh well thats life.

again thankyou.

Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/4/19 4:59

  • kgmetcalfe

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 95

  • Since: 2005/3/24

ok - good thing i am as stubborn as the proverbial mule...

1) please to update the FAQ - reason - norton 2005 has a little change in it... one that they didnt bother to let us ( the public - not in their manual) know about.

2) privacy control - click on configure - choose custom level - uncheck browser privacy - click ok. end of freaking problem.

nothing but change is a constant - which to me is real real real real annoying.

Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/6/8 9:03

  • ahooi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/2/15


I'm still having the same problem. I'm running Windows Server 2003.

I'm running AVG Anti-virus, have tried to shutdown down but the problem persists.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: for some strange reason will not go past this point
  • 2005/6/8 10:41

  • ahooi

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/2/15

I think I've finally gotten it resolved. The solution is to create a NAT entry in the Firewall router pointing to the port number used for the new XOOPS site.


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