I have been having a strange problem for the past 2 days..I am not able to update modules..I don't know why/how this is happening.
For eg:
1)i make some changes in the template files of any module.And after that if i update the file, the new changes don't take place.
2)I know the modified templates are getting saved to the database because when i check System Admin -> Templates , i see the modified templates there..I am using the default XOOPS template set..
3)And also i have set "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?" to "yes" in System Admin -> Prefences -> General Settings.
4)I modified some code in one of the templates and when i updated that module from the module administration interface, that too is not getting updated. There fore it is not a problem with templates alone, but the whole module is not getting updated but it is getting cached some where
5)It's like it is caching the files some where even though i have specified "No Cache" for all the modules..I have been working continuously trying to figure out what could be wrong..
6)I also get these errors below whenever I update/install a module since the time i reinstalled the wfdownloads 2 days ago.i am thinking whether it's related?? But i had successful updated some modules even after i started getting these below errors..
I get first "failed open file" followed by "Unable to write to main menu"
failed open fileUpdating templates...
Template xoopspartners_index.html inserted to the database.
Template xoopspartners_index.html recompiled.
Template xoopspartners_join.html inserted to the database.
Template xoopspartners_join.html recompiled.
Unable to write to main menu.Rebuilding blocks...
Block Partners updated. Block ID: 36
Template xoopspartners_block_site.html updated.
Template xoopspartners_block_site.html recompiled.
Deleting module config options...
Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 2769
Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 2770
Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 2771
Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 2772
Config data deleted from the database. Config ID: 2773
Adding module config data...
Config cookietime added to the database.
Config option added. Name: _DESCENDING Value: DESC
Module Partners updated successfully.
I have removed readonly(windows server) for cache, template_c, cache/adminmenu.php etc..
Based on
http://wiki.xoops.org/wakka.php?wakka=FAQFAILWRITEhow do i check if 1) The request method is not POST or
2) The HTTP_REFERER check fails
Any help will be greatly appreciated..