Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/11 17:29

  • MacKnIss

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2004/7/11

Just wondering if that is a php script someone complied and if so could you share it with me. I am helping out an online gaming community and we want to add script just like that to the site (Clan [OtH]) to show who has/has not donated towards game servers.

Any help would be great, Thanks.

Re: Make A Donation Block

I believe it is a very automated and high-tech solution:

A custom block with the text and the PayPal donate image and when a new donation is received, Herko edits the custom block to include the new name and searches for his user ID, so he can make the link to the user's profile.

Re: Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/11 17:58

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Yup The 18 anonymous people are people whose e-mail address I couldn't link to a user profile here on xoops.org...

So, if you donated and don't see your name in the list, please contact me with the details!


Re: Make A Donation Block

It's me... all of them

Just using different email addresses to try it out.


Re: Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/11 18:55

  • MacKnIss

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2004/7/11

Oh. So its not a php script? Heh, wouldnt it be nice if it was tho

Re: Make A Donation Block

Sure would.

Re: Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/11 19:13

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

Oh yeah... CHeck out this XOOPS Dev Forge project Version 1.4 of the XOOPS Donations Module is already available


Re: Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/11 20:48

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

1.4 has a bug in the block code.

open the block Donat-O-Meter.php, replace the contents with the following:

/* Donations - Paypal financial management module for XOOPS 2           */
/* Copyright (c) 2004 by Xoops2 Donations Module Dev Team                */
/* http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/project/?group_id=1060            */
/*                                                                      */
/*                                                                      */
/* Based on NukeTreasury for PHP-Nuke - by Dave Lawrence AKA Thrash     */
/* NukeTreasury - Financial management for PHP-Nuke                     */
/* Copyright (c) 2004 by Dave Lawrence AKA Thrash                       */
/*                       thrash@fragnastika.com                         */
/*                       thrashn8r@hotmail.com                          */
/*                                                                      */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but  */
/* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
/* General Public License for more details.                             */
/*                                                                      */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software          */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  */
/* USA                                                                  */

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/donations/includes/functions.php';

if ( 
file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/donations/language/".$xoopsConfig['language']."/main.php") ) {
} else {

$block = array();
$query_cfg "SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_config")." WHERE subtype = ''";
$cfgset $xoopsDB->query($query_cfg);

        while ( 
$cfgset && $row $xoopsDB->fetchArray($cfgset))
$tr_config[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
$swingd $tr_config['swing_day'];
$swingd AND $swingd 32))
$swingd 6;
$dmshowdate $tr_config['dm_show_date'];
$dmshowamt $tr_config['dm_show_amt'];
$DM_TITLE $tr_config['dm_title'];
$DM_TITLE "Help keep us going!";
is_numeric($tr_config['dm_num_don']) && $tr_config['dm_num_don'] > )
$dmlen $tr_config['dm_num_don'];
        else if (
is_numeric($dmlen) && $dmlen ==0)
$dmlen = -1;
$dmlen 10;
// Check the current day against the swing day to execute the proper query
if( date('d') >= $swingd )
$query_Recordset1 "SELECT count(mc_gross) AS count, sum(mc_gross) AS gross, sum("
."mc_gross-mc_fee) AS net, date_format( now(),'%M') AS mon, date_format( subdate( date_format( adddate("
."now(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),'%Y-%c-1'), INTERVAL 1 DAY), '%b %e') AS due_by, date_format(now(),'%b') AS "
."mon_short FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")." WHERE (payment_date >= date_format("
$query_Recordset3 "select custom as muser_id, option_selection1 as showname, "
."date_format( payment_date, '%b-%e') as date, concat('$',sum(mc_gross)) as amt "
."from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")." where (payment_date >= date_format( "
."now(), '%Y-%m-".$swingd."')) group by txn_id order by payment_date desc";
        } else
$query_Recordset1 "select count(mc_gross) as count, sum(mc_gross) as gross, sum(mc_gross -" 
." mc_fee) as net, date_format( subdate( now(), interval ".$swingd." day), '%M') as mon,"
." 'Now!' as due_by, date_format( subdate( now(), interval ".$swingd." day), '%b') as mon_short"
." from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")." where (payment_date < date_format( now(), '%Y-%m-".$swingd."')"
.") and payment_date > date_format( subdate( now(), interval ".$swingd." day), '%Y-%m-".$swingd."')";

$query_Recordset3 "select custom as muser_id, option_selection1 as showname, "
."date_format( payment_date, '%b-%e') as date, concat('$', sum(mc_gross)) as amt "
."from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")." where (payment_date < date_format(now(),"
." '%Y-%m-".$swingd."')) and payment_date > date_format( subdate( now(),interval ".$swingd." "
."day), '%Y-%m-".$swingd."') group by txn_id order by payment_date desc";

// Get the donation totals
$Recordset1 $xoopsDB->query($query_Recordset1);
$row_Recordset1 $xoopsDB->fetchArray($Recordset1);
//If there are not records, then get "null" data
if( !$row_Recordset1 )
$query_Recordset1 "select '0' as count, '0' as gross, '0' as net, date_format( now(),"
."'%M') as mon, date_format( subdate( date_format( adddate( now(), interval 1 month), '%Y-%c-1'),"
." interval 1 day), '%b %e') as due_by, date_format( now(), '%b') as mon_short from "
." ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_transactions")."";
$Recordset1 $xoopsDB->query($query_Recordset1);
$row_Recordset1 $xoopsDB->fetchArray($Recordset1);
// Get the goal
$query_Recordset2 "SELECT * FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("donations_config")." WHERE name='goal' AND subtype='".$row_Recordset1['mon_short']."'";
$row_Recordset2 $xoopsDB->fetchArray($Recordset2);
// Set our remaining template vars
$DM_MON date('F');
$DM_MON $row_Recordset1['mon'];
$difference $row_Recordset1['net'] - $row_Recordset2['value'];
$DM_GOAL sprintf('$%.02f'$row_Recordset2['value']);
$DM_DUE $row_Recordset1['due_by'];
$DM_NUM $row_Recordset1['count'];
$DM_GROSS sprintf('$%.02f',$row_Recordset1['gross']);
$DM_NET sprintf('$%.02f',$row_Recordset1['net']);
$DM_LEFT sprintf('$%.02f'$row_Recordset2['value'] - $row_Recordset1['net']);
$DM_BUTTON $tr_config['dm_button'];
is_numeric($tr_config['dm_img_width']) )
$DM_BUTT_DIMS .= 'width='.$tr_config['dm_img_width'].' ';
is_numeric($tr_config['dm_img_height']) )
$DM_BUTT_DIMS .= 'height='.$tr_config['dm_img_height'].' ';
// Load the template
$block['DM_TITLE'] = $DM_TITLE;
$block['DM_BUTTON'] = $DM_BUTTON;
$block['DM_MON'] = $DM_MON;
$block['DM_GOAL'] = $DM_GOAL;
$block['DM_DUE'] =$DM_DUE;
$block['DM_GROSS'] = $DM_GROSS;
$block['DM_NET'] = $DM_NET;
$block['DON_URL'] = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/donations/index.php';
// Do we want to display the donators? 
if(is_numeric($dmlen) && $dmlen >= )
// Get the list of donators
// List all the donators
$i 0;
$var '';
                while ( (
$row_Recordset3 $xoopsDB->fetchArray($Recordset3)) && ($i != $tr_config['dm_num_don']) )
// Refunded transactions will show up with $0 amount
if( $row_Recordset3['amt'] > "$0" )
$dmalign "center";
$var .= "100%" align="$dmalign" colspan="2">";
// Observe the user's wish regarding revealing their name
$muser_id $row_Recordset3['muser_id'];
$sqlm $xoopsDB->query("SELECT uid FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix('users')." WHERE uname='$muser_id'");
$uid) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($sqlm);
strcmp($row_Recordset3['showname'],"Yes") == && ($userfoin mgetusrinfo($uid))){
$var .= ".XOOPS_URL."/userinfo.php?uid=".$userfoin->getVar('uid')."'>".$userfoin->getVar('uname')."";
$var .= " ";
$dmshowamt )
$var .=  "(".$row_Recordset3['amt'].")";
$dmshowdate )
$var .=  $row_Recordset3['date'];
$var .=  "";

        if (
$difference 0) {
$DM_OVERAGE sprintf('$%.02f'$row_Recordset1['net'] - $row_Recordset2['value']);
$block['DM_LEFT2GO'] = '
        } else {
$block['DM_LEFT2GO'] = '
// Define language constants
$block['DM_STAT'] = _DM_STAT;
$block['DM_MONGOAL'] = sprintf(_DM_MONGOAL,$block['DM_MON']);
$block['DM_NETBAL'] = _DM_NETBAL;

// Display block
$block['show_don']= $show_don;
$block['content'] = $var;

i will be releasing v1.45 in the next week, with that fix included and other revisions to the block, as submitted by a user.

Re: Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/11 20:59

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/11/23

btw, i like your site.

fyi, you have the header meta information repeated about 2 extra times.

i see you guys play DoD? and I think I saw CS mentioned in there as well. it also appears that your site isn't running in XOOPS (yet, at least), but if you do move to xoops, I'm working on a port of HLStats for XOOPS (i'm on the XOOPS module dev team, and the hlstats web dev team, lol, worked out nicely), as well as a port of the FatalQuery server status module.

just an fyi, since those modules might be useful to your clan, and the ports integrate nicely into xoops.

i see you currently use an external phpbb forum. you might be interested in the phpbb port to xoops, available at http://www.bbpixel.com

there's a repackaged version of their phpbb port, updated to XOOPS 2.0.7, that i uploaded last week, and i believe there are transfer scripts available to transfer your current phpbb installation to the XOOPS module.

Re: Make A Donation Block
  • 2004/7/12 2:47

  • MacKnIss

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2004/7/11

its not XOOPS yet. Was a template i just coded for them. Didnt have time to make one myself. I run my site (http://www.rowdy-inc.com). But i want to convert their site to XOOPS as well.

I used to run the clanoth.org site then i went inactive to due loss of internet :P then they messed it all up in my absence.


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Goal: $100.00
Due Date: Sep 30
Gross Amount: $0.00
Net Balance: $0.00
Left to go: $100.00
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