A little more detail on what your last action was before you saw this error would be of assistance too. (If you posted that bit of information already, then forget what I said, long day!)
Anyhow, this file may or may not have been changed in the latest update. Someone from the Core Team will know more for sure.
Try this:
Open your /kernel/configoption.php file and locate;
class XoopsConfigOption extends XoopsObject
* Constructor
function XoopsConfigOption()
$this->initVar('confop_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, null);
$this->initVar('confop_name', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, true, 255);
$this->initVar('confop_value', XOBJ_DTYPE_TXTBOX, null, true, 255);
$this->initVar('conf_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 0);
This is only a guess but make sure that the code highlighted red in the above example is the same as in your file. You will find this line of code on line 60.
Copy your 2.0.7 file before you save any changes and upload to the server if you did have to edit it. I would suggest placing the same file from your 2.0.6 files onto your server, but I do not know what effect this will have if this file was changed since that version. (You can try it though)
I'm really reaching here and only guessing. Mith, Herko or Skalpa will know for sure what the cause of this is.
Please let us know when you have it fixed and what needed to be done.