I must say I am fairly new in xoops. I have tested most of the portal servers and (to my personal opinion) XOOPS appears to be the best. This is really great stuff.
However, I am experiencing several database errors with XOOPS 2.0.7 (I had the same errors with 2.0.6) so I hope someone will have a solution for me. I have installed XOOPS on a local server for my testings. My config is as follows:
O/S: FreeBSD 5.2
Database: MySQL 4.0.16 (install.html recommends MySQL 3.23.XX ... would that be the problem ?)
Apache: Apache-1.3.29_1
PhP: mod_php4-4.3.4_2,1.
Xoops: 2.0.7
Here are two examples of my problems but I also have db errors when posting messages to forums, when posting comments, when posting new articles, etc ... :
1. When changing some parameters in admin/preferences I get the message "database updated successfully" but in reality nothing has been updated. Sometimes I have to get back to admin/preferences or press the reload button (Mozilla or IE) to have the database updated. For both browsers, cache is set to "every time I view a page".
2. When changing a block from one side to another, for instance "site info" to center, I get "failed update of block ID 6". If I get back to block configuration, change the block side to left ... it works - again, if I get back to block configuration, change the block to center then it works. Sometimes if I just press reload it works just fine.
Any ideas of where these problems would come from ?
In advance, thank you for your help.
B. Hon