I was also looking for solution for my website's(
Toronto Chinese Yellow Pages) headline session. I have 3 columns. After a while, i decided to dig into the code myself.
I found it it is easier to use the "headline_weight" for the logic. Here is what I have done.
1. Weight your RSS list(Sorting sequence) throught the headline administration
2. Assign the 'weight' variable in .../xoopsheadline/index.php
$xoopsTpl->append('feed_sites', array('id' => $headlines[$i]->getVar('headline_id'), 'weight' => $headlines[$i]->getVar('headline_weight'), 'name' => $headlines[$i]->getVar('headline_name')));
3. Change the custome template to have the logic, which in my case I have 3 columns.
4. Here is the layout from my website.
RSS News Feed------------------------------
Toronto Chinese Business Directory