PHPBB and Xoops coexisting in the same database with the same users etc...
  • 2004/5/28 21:18

  • OwenS

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  • Since: 2004/5/28

I would like to use XOOPS as the portal for my site, yet keep the existing PHPBB running and use it instead of the NewBB or other forum modules. I dont want a PHPBB module since my existing PHPBB system is heavily hacked for the features I need, and many wont work in an XOOPS module.

I would like to modify XOOPS instead of PHPBB for this since my PHPBB install is much larger and I feel future mods would be hampered by it. However I dont expect to mod XOOPS too heavily, if at all, in the future.

So, can anyone help me?

(PS: Does anyone know where I can find a FI SubSilver skin for Xoops? )

Re: PHPBB and Xoops coexisting in the same database with the same users etc...
  • 2004/5/28 21:47

  • intel352

  • Module Developer

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lol, this is quite a strange request. i doubt anyone has ever merged the cms into the forums, lol, usually other way around

Re: PHPBB and Xoops coexisting in the same database with the same users etc...
  • 2004/5/28 23:59

  • ajaxbr

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While I don't agree 100% with them (hardly 30% ), these guys at phpBB Area 51 have some interesting points... it might an issue a tad more important than we (the CMS crowd) expect it to be: who would benefit more from a integration effort, forum makers or CMS makers?

If it became extremely easy to wrap your standalone forum in a great CMS AND to include a full featured standalone forum into your CMS... how many new forums and how many new CMSs installations should we expect? I'd say we'd have a lot more new CMSs than new forums.

But then, how many users can a single forum or a single CMS instance serve? That plus the fact that we will soon have a fantastic new newBB (thanks a lot Predator and all devs) are the reasons I won't try to sell the idea of making XOOPS easier to wrap around standalone apps (like ErfurtWiki)... for now

[size=xx-small]Besides that... this was also a flag of the incredible Solomon Tulbure. And I mean incredible in a very pejorative way...[/size]

Re: PHPBB and Xoops coexisting in the same database with the same users etc...
  • 2004/5/29 1:58

  • Warr1or

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  • Since: 2004/4/2 1

CMS-type hacks exists for phpBB and iKonBoard forums... But they are not as good as XOOPS by any measure.


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