'Read More' Link under news items
  • 2004/5/27 11:08

  • martyboy

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 256

  • Since: 2004/5/25

I have noticed on some XOOPS sites that there is a 'read more' link underneath news items so when clicked it brings up the full story.

I would like to be able to do this on my XOOPS site as at the moment my news items are displayed in full and some of them are rather long and the News module is my main page visitors first see, so I would like the news item heading and then a short description of the story and then the 'read more' link to bring up the full story.

Is there a way of doing this in admin panel or news module? or is this a differnet news module these other sites are using?

Anyhelp would be great. Thankyou


Re: 'Read More' Link under news items

the "read more" link is there, when the news item contains extended text - which in the current release of news module is only possible to put in if you edit or add the news item through the administration menu.

on http://dev.xoops.org you can get the RC2 of News 1.2, which allows for the use of extended text field in the normal news addition as well - for users with permissions to approve news.

Re: 'Read More' Link under news items
  • 2004/5/27 13:20

  • martyboy

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 256

  • Since: 2004/5/25

Thanks Mithrandir. so if I was to put a short description to the news item in the normal entry field then put the full storie in the extended text feild that would give me the read more link to bring up the full story?

I will give that a try and see how I get on

Thankyou very much.


Re: 'Read More' Link under news items
  • 2004/5/27 14:34

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23


martyboy wrote:
Thanks Mithrandir. so if I was to put a short description to the news item in the normal entry field then put the full storie in the extended text feild that would give me the read more link to bring up the full story?

This is technically correct. However, the first box is supposed to be for the article's leading paragraph(s) and the second box for the rest of the article. When you click on the 'read more...' link, the leading paragraph and the rest of the article gets displayed.

Still, you can use that one for short descriptions of the article if you don't mind it being included in the top part of the whole article.

Just added information, the Soapbox module has an extra box for article teasers that is not included in the rest of the article.


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