I think what Mithrandir is saying is that if you open the xoops_version.php file of any module, and copy the code for a block, changing the variable number and name of the block, you can essentially clone a block.
If you open the xoops_version.php of the News module I have handy (says its 1.1), lines 63 through 89 have the block data. If you find the last one, it reads:
$modversion['blocks'][4]['file'] = "news_top.php";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_BNAME5;
$modversion['blocks'][4]['description'] = "Shows recent articles";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['show_func'] = "b_news_top_show";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['edit_func'] = "b_news_top_edit";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['options'] = "published|10|25";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['template'] = 'news_block_new.html';
So to effectively clone that block, you would copy that, paste the code underneath it, change all the 4s to 5s and change _MI_NEWS_BNAME5 to "My Block Title", & by Mith's logic that should work, if I read him right.
Hope this helps.