I have been given this advice from a webmaster who uses XOOPS as a multi domain CMS, the idea is aiming at XOOPS being a single database as the backend of all my sites, the only thing that will change between sites will be the headers, contact-us module and a few static pages. The problem is that the guy who gave me this snippet is very busy with his own sites, and I don't want to pester him, so I'm posting here for advice on my next step.
Route all sites to your
basic XOOPS installation - the static pages can easily be output
depending on HTTP_HOST:
php: switch ($HTTP_HOST) {
case "myfirstdomain.com":
case "www.myfirstdomain.com":
echo "This is the text for myfirstdomain.com"
case "myseconddomain.com":
case "www.myseconddomain.com":
echo "This is the text for myseconddomain.com"
etc. pp.
Basically the same applies to minor changes to the modules you want to
use. Just query HTTP_HOST and modify output accordingly. For the news
module you might want to add a column "domain" to the database if you
want site specific news.
Hmmmm he makes it sound so easy, how easy would that be to do??? and exactly how would I go about it???