try think simple - ok -
you type in the city code in the ADMINISTRATOR menu -
you need ADD a NEW city - and then go to yahoo and get the city code to type in side ms-weather.
1) go to yahoo.com
2) you find "weater"
http://weather.yahoo.com3) now in the box - over "find city's" type " LAS vegas"
4) now you get new webpage with world of names over las vegas your URL wil look like this =
http://weather.yahoo.com/search/weather2?p=las+vegas5) now click on the first line with name = Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.
6) you now see a weather map over Las vegas - and if you now look the URL menu in top the URL wil look like this =
http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USNV0049.html7) look USNV0049.html
8) you need this code to put inside your MS-weater " code for the city of Las vegas - BUT ?
9) you not use .HTML you only need the first code afer forward slach - but again you not use forward slach only the code = USNV0049 and no more and this works - you do same tactic with all citys in world
I hope this was a help
good luck