Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/7 16:18

  • F3ign

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2003/12/17

I am using the multi-site table hack to share one user database accross three XOOPS sites. I have a main site and two subdomains that each run xoops.

If a user has access to the main site and subdomain both they have to logon to each seperately. It's nice to have the table hack as they only need to remember one logon. Anyways what would need to be changed so that they only need to logon to the main site and not the subdomains seperately? I am presuming something with the cookie and/or sessions.

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/7 16:29

  • pdaddict

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 106

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My first guess is sharing the sessions table, and using the same custom sesion name on all 3 sites.

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/7 18:02

  • F3ign

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2003/12/17

Thanks for the response.

I shared the sessions table and I left the default session name "xoops_session" and default cookie name "xoops_user" the same on all three sites.

When I visit each site, I see a seperate cookie for each site in my cookies folder and still have to logon to each of them seperately.

I am guessing there is a variable somewhere that stores the site name and site path and that I may have to edit that. But I am not sure where to look.

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/9 15:50

  • F3ign

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2003/12/17


Has anyone else attempted to do something like this or am I first?

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/9 16:40

  • Lance_

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 983

  • Since: 2004/1/12

I run multisite also. But from my limited knowledge, cookies are saved under the domain name hence making it unusable on another domain. So I haven't done much with it either. Did try the session thing with no go.

Hope someone can enlighten us here...

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/9 17:35

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

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I may be wrong here - but I think the nature of cookies would prevent you being able to do what you want here....

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/20 15:34

  • BoDGie

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  • Since: 2003/8/4 1

That is corect that it will rely on the cookies.. if you have one XOOPS site at http://www.xoops.org and then another at http://www.xoops.org/xoops/ they will work fine as they are under the same domain.

It is quite possible to use another hack to check for cookies of other domains and if it finds them it reads them.

I'll have a look at adding that into my next version of my multisite/subsite module + hack.


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