Re:After Restore Blank Page on Modules set as Startup Module
  • 2004/10/6 18:35

  • F3ign

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Thanks, that fixed it.

Re:After Restore Blank Page on Modules set as Startup Module
  • 2004/10/6 18:12

  • F3ign

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ackbarr, thanks for the quick reply. I should of thought to turn debugging on.

Error is:
Warning [PHP]: Cannot modify header information headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/familyconnect/mainfile.php:77in file index.php line 39

xxxxxxx = my username on host

Line 39 of the index.php at my site root is:
header('Location: '.XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$xoopsConfig['startpage'].'/');

I found this post which seems similar, but I don't quite follow the explanation (https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=23547&forum=27&post_id=102834#forumpost102834).

After Restore Blank Page on Modules set as Startup Module
  • 2004/10/6 17:53

  • F3ign

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I restored my XOOPS installation (both SQL and files) yesterday. My XOOPS site seems to be running fine, with one exception. If I set any of the modules to be the module for the start page I get a blank page on my start page. If I use ‘none’ for the start page my site comes up fine. I am able to access all these modules and their content fine otherwise.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far.

1. Repairing all tables via phpMyAdmin.
2. Optimizing all tables via phpMyAdmin
3. Inspected group permissions
4. Inspected file permissions
5. Ran ‘update’ on the news module from the Admin Page and tried setting that as the start page.
6. Changing the theme to default.
7. Did some searching here. I seen a couple similar issues, but the symptoms didn’t really match mine. This occurs in any module that is set as startup.

The server is running PHP 4.3.9. I am running XOOPS 2.0.7.

Any ideas?

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/9 15:50

  • F3ign

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Has anyone else attempted to do something like this or am I first?

Re: Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/7 18:02

  • F3ign

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Thanks for the response.

I shared the sessions table and I left the default session name "xoops_session" and default cookie name "xoops_user" the same on all three sites.

When I visit each site, I see a seperate cookie for each site in my cookies folder and still have to logon to each of them seperately.

I am guessing there is a variable somewhere that stores the site name and site path and that I may have to edit that. But I am not sure where to look.

Multi-site subdomains and logons
  • 2004/4/7 16:18

  • F3ign

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I am using the multi-site table hack to share one user database accross three XOOPS sites. I have a main site and two subdomains that each run xoops.

If a user has access to the main site and subdomain both they have to logon to each seperately. It's nice to have the table hack as they only need to remember one logon. Anyways what would need to be changed so that they only need to logon to the main site and not the subdomains seperately? I am presuming something with the cookie and/or sessions.

Re: Website Dead
  • 2003/12/19 19:08

  • F3ign

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I am bit new to Linux/mySQL/phpMyAdmin myself, so when I first setup phpMyAdmin I used my root account as well (providing you followed the above example verbatium).

However you may want to create a new db user for phpMyAdmin to authenticate with, I beleive it's a bit insecure to use the root account for this.

Also throw a htaccess file in your phpMyAdmin directory that way if anyone guesses it's path they won't be able to get to it without proper authentication.

Just my two cents.

Re: Making forums display "Flat" style by default...
  • 2003/12/18 18:31

  • F3ign

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From Admin Menu...

System Admin
General Settings

Look for "Default Comment Display Mode". Change that to Flat.

Re: xoops asp?
  • 2003/12/17 18:04

  • F3ign

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