I restored my XOOPS installation (both SQL and files) yesterday. My XOOPS site seems to be running fine, with one exception. If I set any of the modules to be the module for the start page I get a blank page on my start page. If I use ‘none’ for the start page my site comes up fine. I am able to access all these modules and their content fine otherwise.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far.
1. Repairing all tables via phpMyAdmin.
2. Optimizing all tables via phpMyAdmin
3. Inspected group permissions
4. Inspected file permissions
5. Ran ‘update’ on the news module from the Admin Page and tried setting that as the start page.
6. Changing the theme to default.
7. Did some searching here. I seen a couple similar issues, but the symptoms didn’t really match mine. This occurs in any module that is set as startup.
The server is running PHP 4.3.9. I am running XOOPS 2.0.7.
Any ideas?