Thanks all for your replies. From what I gather from the answers, I'll need to modify the default theme code for it to
use the smarty footer variable, and this cannot be done via
a configuration change through the Web browser. Am I correct?
On a grander topic, this is what I'd like to do with xooops
on my site:
I have 3 groups:
- visitors who can view some of the info, but cannot post
anything (except through the contact form)
- registered users who can post to forum (and contact form),
but can not post anywhere else. they can however view some
of the info that is NOT visible to visitors.
- admin users who can post to anything (adding contents,
news, events, etc).
- for the forum, I want to totally disable the Inbox functionality so that notifications can only be sent to
the registered user's email address on file.
From my understanding, to achieve this access hierarchy,
I need to play around with Groups setting in Admin, and
assign users accordingly. But I don't understand how I
can block post but not view functionality. For example,
I want to the admin users to be able to post to wfsections,
faq, news, etc. I don't want anyone else to be
able to do so, but I want the registered users to be able
to read all of the wfsections, but visitors to read
only SOME of the wfsections. Neither can post. Is this