Hi all,
I'm hacking about with edituser.php. I want to add some additional form elements and have inputted information go into the database.
I've worked out the way the forms are generated, but can't seem to get the data from the new elements to go into the DB.
Any pointers to how the database insertion actually is achieved in XOOPS?
Code is below.. my stuff in italics
$edituser->setVar('timezone_offset', $timezone_offset);
$edituser->setVar('country', $country);
$edituser->setVar('uorder', $uorder);
$timezone_select = new XoopsFormSelectTimezone(_US_TIMEZONE, 'timezone_offset', $xoopsUser->getVar('timezone_offset'));
$country_select = new XoopsFormSelectCountry(_US_COUNTRY, 'country', $xoopsUser->getVar('country'));
$icq_text = new XoopsFormText(_US_ICQ, 'user_icq', 15, 15, $xoopsUser->getVar('user_icq', 'E'));