Inserting images (image manager)
  • 2004/3/31 18:05

  • tienm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2003/9/16

Hi All,

Many unskilled users find the image manager too complex. Many stuck after uploading the image.

A few enhancements would be nice:

1. Put newly uploaded pictures at the top in the image list (reverse the sort procedure)
2. Change the 3 align buttons into a drop-downbox
3. Add a button saying something like "Insert image"
4. Place the dropdown box and button somewhere beneath the picture in stead of at the right (mostly hidden because the window is too small).
5. Let them first choose a file, after this, update the name for the picture (text box) to the name of the file.
6. If it is huge (ex. above 640x480 which is not likely to be used normally within a news message) show the user the option to scale it down to a more reasonable size.

Good luck!



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