Mith, (I'm sticking with that!)
I have been considering that too. In java it is:
Model - Beans or EJBs (If you really think you are cool)
View - JSP (Yuck)
Controller - Struts, Maverick, etc. (Struts dominates)
I really only want to do the model in java. Not really wanting to do it in Java either. That just happens to be the best way to interfacce with Domino. Domino is such a powerful and flexable data store that it is worth the effort. Plus I can design for the fat Notes client on the desk top and build a slick webapp at the same time.
The Domino classes provide very robust methods of manipulating the model. Really it is a Data Access Ojbect.
I do not want to replace the DB of XOOPS (MySql now, hopefully other choices soon.) I want to run XOOPS as is. However, I want to be able to manipulate the DAO of Domino from within a module. I would hack XOOPS to use Ldap for single signon.
I believe that you are correct. The controller would be on the PHP side of things. However, it would not be the XOOPS controller. It would have to be a "controller" written in the module.
Don't get me started on using the front controller methodology in web apps! I agree whole hartedly with:
http://www.phppatterns.com/index.php/article/articleview/81/1/1/I think the business logic (read controller logic) can be isolated enough without a true controller setup like php.mvc which is a php rebuild of Struts.
Am I crazy to try this?