Thanks Kevin,
I have no anonymous submission of news, articles, forum posts, downloads, comments or anything else. Im looking at closed user registration but wondering if it will be too offputting for users.
The permissions I have are:
uploads/ - 777
cache/ - 777
templates_c/ - 777
mainfile.php - 644
Are these optimal ? Also in cache/ I have 2 files, adminmenu.php and antidos_access_log both set to 644. Is cache regularly flushed out ? These 2 files dont sound like they should be there. There is no index.html in there either.
I use wf-sections 1.01, the bugfixed version by JackJ into which I have incorporated fixes by Ken Ohwada (xf-sections) also. I've heard that wf-sections has some security vulnerabilities - do you have any knowledge of that ?
In wf-sections I have the following permissions:
wfsection/cache/uploaded/ - 777
wfsection/cache/uploaded/temp/ - 777
wfsection/images/article/ - 766
wfsection/images/category/ - 766
wfsection/html/ - 777
Do you have any suggestions regarding these ?
As regards modules, I use 3 addons
1) Anti-Dos 1.1
1) Random Quote 1.0.1
3) IPB 1.4 (Invision Power Board) by Koudanshi. I know this is unpopular with many because it overwrites some part of XOOPs core from what I understand, but IPB is simply vital to my site. I would love to use newbb but unfortunately it just doesnt yet have anywhere near the functionality my site needs. One problem with the current version of IPB (not just the plugin) is that conf_global.php must be set to writable if you want to update the admin section, then set back when you finish, leaving it open all that time! The next release will address this by storing config data in the db, but this is a bad security hole at the moment.
IPB has 777 set on the uploads/ where there is some attachment sitting.
I appreciate any advice you have regarding these modules. I have other addon modules but they are deactivated/uninstall, I guess I should remove the directories completelely.
Oh finally, regarding hosting, I'm in a shared environment, my host is lunarpages who are pretty security concious but I'm certain they are going to be using a single apache instance...
Sorry for the rambling email. Thanks very much, looking forward to your feedback.
PS: Maybe someone knowledgable about XOOPS and security (perhaps yourself ?) could setup some dummy XOOPS sites and then invite trusted security folks to try to hack them, as a learning exercise.