Some things that i and some users miss on my guildsite:
- Hide private forums
- Permissions based on groups
There is already a hack for this by regen_r8:
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7260&forum=20#forumpost29719 (was able to integrate it in also)
- Show new posts in privat forums (a 4. button with the key in orange)
- Mark all read button
- Mark all unread button
- Move single postings to other/new threads
- Attachments (in a secure way, only for registered users)
- If a user decides to delete his account the name should still appear at his posts. Otherwise in some older threads there an only posts by guests
- Ability to create polls for some usergroups (registered, friends, whatever) only.
- Better protection for that posts (Uid stored in DB for voting instead of using a cookie)
Support for multilanguage features in all modules. (
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=10734&forum=14#forumpost55224 - as a lot of XOOPS users use it there should maybe support for this in the core)
Would be great to see some of this in future versions. It is a pain to integrate all old hacks in every new update