Hello everyone.
I am new to XOOPS having arrived here after trudging through several test applications of other CMS's
I ran a successful site based around phpBB2 that I developed my own php MySQL dynamic pages. So I have some idea how to get around web apps based on that model.
I am very impressed with what I see of XOOPS and would like to start a live installation. So far I understand everything except themes.
I downloaded several, uploaded them in my themes directory. but can not get them to work.
http://www.strictlysocial.org/xoops/html/ is my test site.
The admin panel shows the themes there, and I am able to add them to the selectable list. But when I click one that I added it displays a blank page.
IE ( select OBlazy Dark ) on my test page.
I know I am doing something wrong but can not figure out what. I tried reading the template themes documentation on wiki but the articles I need seem to be unavailable.
Can anyone shed any light on this or steer me in the right direction?
Also your feelings on the best XOOPS Calendar, photo gallery, and chat programs.