Re: One size fits all?

That's correct. Setting the width of nested tables to less than 100% is how you solve the IE 5.5 table calculation issue. (Note that in the post just prior to yours, I recommended a width of 98%).

However, that's not the problem he's trying to solve. The issue (so far) is cleaning up DreamWeaver ceeerap.

Re: One size fits all?
  • 2004/1/26 20:14

  • awreneau

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2003/2/4 1

I'm ready to pull my hair out!!

I've seen this code do some strange stuff.....

One some IE I've seen the pages do perfectly, under Mozilla one time around I get the center blocks closely centered next time around they are very small.

I've done a wget command to XOOPS and gotten the theme.html files as well as the css files. Nothing to compare as they are written differently.

Have a look again if you dont mind and tell me what you think.

Re: One size fits all?

I looked at it in IE 5.5 and it looks the way you want, I think.

However, when I look at it with Mozilla (Firebird 0.7) the middle column seems to "dance", expanding and contracting as the page loads.

Before we do anything else, I want to make sure you are making your changes to all of your CSS files.
style.css is the default style and handles IE
NNstyle.css handles Netscape/Mozilla
MACstyle.css handles Mac browsers

Ideally, we would want all three files to have the same contents, but, if you need to tweak something for a particular browser, this makes it possible.

So, I just want to be sure you have the same contents in all of your css files.

Re: One size fits all?
  • 2004/1/27 12:52

  • awreneau

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2003/2/4 1

Yeah, I couldnt have said it better myself. Dancing is exactly what it does. Perfect description.

I do have all the .css files the same I only added the "width =98%" to each of them.

I've also contacted the "creator" of the theme at 4thfort.com for assistance as his sight wraps with no problem.

I'm probably going to do a wget to his site so I can compare those files with mine.

Thanks for you help thus far and if you have any other suggestions please advise me!

EDIT I've determind the root cause to my frustration. The reason the default XOOPS theme as well as others "autosize" to the browser width is due to the coding (while to others this is obvious, I had to get my hands around it first). The biggest issue seems to be that the lime theme that I want to use is written, shall I say statically? while the other thems are written with script embedded.

Now, undertaking the role of re-writing the lime theme in this fashion is tempting, I dont think I want to undertake that roll or do I? It would be rewarding to offer the *fixed* theme back to the community.

OK enuff babbling, I may have to find another theme for the time being untill I can rewrite lime to my liking.

On that note, I'm guessing the place to start would be comparing code and making adjustments accordingly. Anybody got any suggestions for an easier approach?


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