When porting a module of my site from XOOPS to Xoops², I crawled through the classes and it occured to me that some db/object accessing code is replicated throughout many classes. I wrote my own WhoswhoItem class (my module is a Who's who module for my student association), which extends XoopsObject and is the base class for all my other objects.
I think the following code is something that could (should?
) be included in the next RC/release inside the core XoopsObject class itself.
The base principle is that it uses the java-reflection-like capability of php and assumes proper naming conventions to create the concrete class instances. If this becomes a performance bottleneck, the createInstance method can be made abstract or overriden.
(forgive my typos, my own coding conventions, and so on)
* @abstract
class WhoswhoItem extends XoopsObject
function WhoswhoItem()
* @abstract
class WhoswhoItemHandler extends XoopsObjectHandler
var $concreteClassName;
function WhoswhoItemHandler(&$db)
// Of course, it assumes a correct implementation
// enforcing the naming conventions
$handlerClassName = get_class($this);
$this->concreteClassName = substr($handlerClassName, 0, -7); // 7 is the length of 'Handler'
* Returns the table used for persistance.
* @abstract
function getTableName()
* Returns the complete Sql request for an Insert operation op the concrete handled subclass.
* @abstract
* @param int $id the id generated for this instance.
* @param object &$toStore the instance to store.
function getInsertRequest($id, $toStore)
* Returns the complete Sql request for an Update operation op the concrete handled subclass.
* @param object &$toStore the instance to store.
* @abstract
function getUpdateRequest($toStore)
* Returns the column name of the primary key used to
* retrieve instances from the table. Usuall 'id', or 'uid', ....
* @abstract
function getPKName()
* Creates an instance of the concrete handled class.
* @access protected
function &createInstance()
$className = $this->concreteClassName;
$value = new $className();
return $value;
* Creates a new instance of the concrete handled subclass.
* @return bool $isNew Flag the object as "new"?
* @access public
function &create($isNew = true)
$value =& $this->createInstance();
if ($isNew)
return $value;
* Retrieves data from DB and fills a new instance the concrete handled subclass with it.
* Assumes the PK id is an int.
* @access private
* @param int $id ID
* @return object instance, FALSE on fail
function &get($id)
$sql = sprintf( "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %d ",
$this->db->prefix($this->getTableName()), $this->getPKName(), intval($id));
if ( !$result = $this->db->query($sql) )
return false;
$numrows = $this->db->getRowsNum($result);
if ( $numrows == 1 )
$value =& $this->createInstance();
return $value;
return false;
* Stores a the concrete handled subclass.
* @param object &$toStore an instance the concrete handled subclass.
* @return bool TRUE on success
function insert(&$toStore)
if ( get_class($toStore) != $this->concreteClassName )
return false;
if ( !$toStore->isDirty() )
return true;
if (!$toStore->cleanVars())
return false;
if ($toStore->isNew())
$generated_id = $this->db->genId( $this->getTableName());
$sql = $this->getInsertRequest($generated_id, $toStore);
$sql = $this->getUpdateRequest($toStore);
if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql))
return false;
if (empty($generated_id))
$generated_id = $this->db->getInsertId();
$toStore->assignVar( $this->getPKName(), $generated_id);
return true;
* Deletes an instance the concrete handled subclass.
* @param object &$toDelete
* @return bool TRUE on success
function delete(&$toDelete)
if (get_class($toDelete) != $this->concreteClassName)
return false;
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'",
$this->db->prefix($this->getTableName()), $this->getPKName(),
if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql))
return false;
return true;
* Deletes all instances matching a set of conditions
* @param object $criteria {@link CriteriaElement}
* @return bool FALSE if deletion failed
function deleteAll($criteria = null)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->db->prefix($this->getTableName());
if (isset($criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria, 'criteriaelement'))
$sql .= ' '.$criteria->renderWhere();
if (!$result = $this->db->query($sql))
$this->notifyUpdate($sql, 'failed_update');
return false;
return true;
* Retrieves multiple instance of the concrete handled subclass.
* @param object $criteria {@link CriteriaElement}
* @param bool $id_as_key Use IDs as array keys?
* @return array Array of {@link XoopsGroupPerm}s
function &getObjects($criteria = null, $id_as_key = false)
$ret = array();
$limit = $start = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->db->prefix($this->getTableName());
if (isset($criteria) && is_subclass_of($criteria, 'criteriaelement'))
$sql .= ' '.$criteria->renderWhere();
if ( '' != $criteria->getSort() ) {
$sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$criteria->getSort().' '.$criteria->getOrder();
$limit = $criteria->getLimit();
$start = $criteria->getStart();
$result = $this->db->query($sql, $limit, $start);
if (!$result)
return $ret;
while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result))
$value =& $this->createInstance();
if (!$id_as_key)
$ret[] =& $value;
} else
$ret[$myrow[$this->getPKName()]] =& $value;
return $ret;
* Obtains the "db-quoted" version of the variables contents, to be able to store them directly. Just a helper method, not mandatory.
* @access protected
function "edCleanVars(&$object)
$toReturn = array();
foreach ($object->cleanVars as $k => $v)
$toReturn[$k] = $this->db->quoteString($v);
return $toReturn;
With this, in subclasses, you don't need the write the typical "get", "getObjects", "delete", ... methods. You only need to write:
o a Constructor
o the concrete implementation of getTableName()
o the concrete implementation of getInsertRequest()
o the concrete implementation of getUpdateRequest()
o the concrete implementation of getPKName()
All of which are quite simple and quite short methods. This makes your classes shorter to write and easier to maintain.