I found it already. I had to change the image.php file in the kernel directory. Now my images are sorted on image_nicename instead of image_id.
Unfortunately, since I use Chapi News Wysiwyg Patch (see
more info here), this sorting is not working in the news module.
The following code is used to list the pictures, but I do not know what to add/edit to have the images sorted on image_nicename. Can someone help me with this.
$result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT imgcat_name, imgcat_id, imgcat_storetype FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix(imagecategory)." ORDER BY imgcat_name ASC");
while($imgcat = $xoopsDB->fetcharray($result)){
$spaw_imglibs[$i]["value"] = 'uploads/';
$spaw_imglibs[$i]["text"] = $imgcat["imgcat_name"];
$spaw_imglibs[$i]["catID"] = $imgcat["imgcat_id"];
$spaw_imglibs[$i]["storetype"] = $imgcat["imgcat_storetype"];
$spaw_imglibs[$i]["autoID"] = $i;