echo getbanner_from_id_banner(1);
echo '
echo getbanner_from_id_banner(2);
chipbyte wrote:
Yeah buddy, it's working, it's working.. I love XOOPS and you. Thanks everyone and all XOOPS Team.
That's the solution for XOOPS static banner on theme (by Banner ID)
Just 3 Steps
1: First editing root_directory/include/functions.php (Here is the link Thanks Stefano)
2: Editing theme.html
Find this line in theme.html:<td id="bannerSection"><{$xoops_banner}>td>
Then replace with:<td id="bannerSection"><{php}> echo getbanner_from_id_banner(1); <{/php}>td>
3: Last step is very important: Clearing temporary filesroot_directory/xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile
chipbyte wrote:
I've got one more question? (This time about multi banner on same block)
How can we add more banners in the same block?
For ex.
Title Of Banner ID:2
echo getbanner_from_id_banner(2);
Title Of Banner ID:3
echo getbanner_from_id_banner(3);
Title Of Banner ID:4
echo getbanner_from_id_banner(4);