Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 13:58

  • wcrwcr

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1114

  • Since: 2003/12/12

Hi guys

I?m a XOOPS newbie (first installation on a local test machine), and I?m in love with this terrif app. wow!!!

I?m developing a project for a cliente (small/mid sized school) and I think that XOOPS will be great to all client?s needs, excepts for one thing:

In a near future, my client is planning to give a pay support for some institutions via(probally) a forum.

How could I implement such funcionality in xoops?
Is It possible?
There is a module with this funcionality?

Follows some not very clear thoughts:

1> the client logs in
2> the system checks if he(she) is OK with the monthly fee
3> everything ok = access to the specific area
4> pendent payment = access denied screen

Any help/advice will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Re: Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 16:39

  • wcrwcr

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1114

  • Since: 2003/12/12


nothing to say about?
is it the wrong place?


Re: Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 16:52

  • Per4orm

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2003/11/14

I don't think there's currently a module to support this. This has been discussed a few times before, and so far I've only been able to come up with the follwing (pseudo) solution:

1) Client registers as a free user on your site
2) Client pays for monthly support via PayPal
3) Paypal IPN returns a script to XOOPS saying Payment has been received.
4) User is moved from standard user group to paid user group
5) Restricted areas are set to paid user group access only

I know it's not much help so far, but I will be looking into the coding of this to see how much it would take to integrate with PayPal's IPN. I'm not sure about other payment processors though.

Re: Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 17:10

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

As Per4orm has alreadu stated there is no module at this time.

Here is how I get round this, although it requires manual work for now:

I use OSCommerce to take payment via:

+ Paypal
+ Nochex (UK Payment service)
+ Cheque/Postal order

It can also be used for other payment solutions, ie Worldpay

Once payment is clear I then insert that user into another group with the extra features they pay for, you could easily duplicate the forum module as I have done to allow for an extra area.

The down side of this is you have to track your subscribers manualy and rebill them etc, etc, but this does work and the only way at presant.

You may also find the following thread of interest:

Paypal Module

Hope this is of some use.

Re: Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 17:14

  • wcrwcr

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1114

  • Since: 2003/12/12

Thanks Per4orm

I?ll be wainting for any news

I didn?t think in PAYPAL.
Maybe a good solution, isn?t it?

Re: Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 17:24

  • wcrwcr

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1114

  • Since: 2003/12/12

Thanks Tom

Very interesting post.
As I saw , such kind of module it?s a wish of part of the comunity.

Thanks, i?ll be waiting for some news.

Re: Is there a module.....
  • 2003/12/13 21:45

  • wcrwcr

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1114

  • Since: 2003/12/12

I found this article inside the Paypal?s Developer Sssion.

Take a look at http://www.superfreaker.com/ucontent/ superfreak studios ?s BUILDING A CONTENT SUBSCRIPTION SYSTEM USING THE PAYPAL IPN

It seems to be a good article with a link to dowload a zip file with asp code ( maybe a programmer could do an adaptation to php ) and a ms access db, wich acording to the author coul be a mySql db too.


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