How do you change the page redirect words when you log in or out?

Where are these words located i've looked all over and searched the forums with no luck.

Re: How do you change the page redirect words when you log in or out?
  • 2003/12/6 19:32

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23

I believe this one is in the user.php in language/english/ (or language//) folder.

When trying to change words in XOOPS, including modules, search inside the language/ folders in the root directory, or in each module directory.

Re: How do you change the page redirect words when you log in or out?
  • 2003/12/6 20:32

  • Stewdio

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1560

  • Since: 2003/5/7 1

Much of the language files that you change will be dependant on the module you are using. For my weBlog, I did quite a number of changes, including how it's named. These changes needed to be done in the /modules/weblog/language/english folder

You can also change the look and feel of how it's displayed by editing the system_redirect.html in your admin/templates section of your site (only after you have copied the default template for editing purposes)

For instance you can click here for a quick demonstration.


Re: How do you change the page redirect words when you log in or out?

Thanks big time for both of your posts both helped alot...

Stewdio: Nice redirects and Syndicated news. Ty for your post/ideas...

I love this place!


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