Headlines Archive
  • 2003/12/5 7:00

  • ajaxbr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2003/10/25

I would love the ability to keep an searchable archive of headlines. I just realized that some of my news are simply headlines with a lil description and links, so why not use this the other way around?
It would be great! An option to activate the archive for each feed in the admin interface, set an auto-prune value (age, db size, # of items, etc) and whether or not show a "Archive" link for each feed in the block and/or main page.
Boo at will

Re: Headlines Archive
  • 2003/12/5 9:07

  • ajaxbr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2003/10/25

Slowly, slowly... Ok, this is ugly and very very crude, but I can't do better (yet?)... hopefully someone with the skills will get interested

In the XooPSHeadline .sql file, I added Quote:
headline_arch mediumtext NOT NULL default '',
FULLTEXT KEY `search` (`headline_arch`)

Inside class XoopsheadlineHeadline, function XoopsheadlineHeadline() Quote:

$this->initVar('headline_arch', XOBJ_DTYPE_SOURCE, null, false);

Added a "var $_arch;" in class XoopsHeadlineRenderer and a "$this->_arch = $items;" in it's function renderFeed. Down there, I added a Quote:
function &getArch()
return $this->_arch;
to retrieve just the items for a channel. Now I'll try to figure out how to get $_arch appended to the "headline_arch" field, then what is needed to make it searchable, then... hmmm... parsing headline_arch to display. Oh, and I have to figure out when or where getArch() is called. What a mess

Re: Headlines Archive
  • 2003/12/5 9:20

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

I requested this same feature of Lykoszine, who will be looking at this module for the Module Dev Team. Contact him


Re: Headlines Archive
  • 2003/12/5 9:29

  • ajaxbr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2003/10/25

Herko you make me soooo happy
I'll contact him, last I recall I was lost inside a template file

Re: Headlines Archive
  • 2003/12/5 13:02

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23

Wouldn't a Headlines archive be dependent on the channel's archive? How would it be searchable from within your site? A database with just 'headlines' in a site would have to keep track of the availability of that news from the RSS feed channel.

Or am I missing something here?


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