Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 21:03

  • Anonymous

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How can I fix it so XOOPS keeps people loged in longer. Even here I keep geting knowcked off and have to log in just about every 30 minutes. Wassup with that?

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 21:25

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

There is a hack for this.
You'll find it at the Dutch XOOPS Support website.
Make sure you download the hack for the correct xoops-version !!

grtz., Shine

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 21:28

  • mvandam

  • Quite a regular

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There are several options... several hacks are available and this feature exists in 'commented out' form in the latest distribution of xoops. Search the forums for 'autologin' for the relevant threads.

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 21:37

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

Thats down to session times in the admin, set for cookies, extend the session time:

admin ---> system admin ---> preferences ---> general

near the bottom with cookie info you'll see a option to use sessions and session times.

hope this is of help.


hacks............. mmmmmmmmm............. extending sessions works on my site with out hacks, didn't see the replys you guys made sorry.

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 21:57

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5


tom wrote:
Thats down to session times in the admin, set for cookies, extend the session time:

admin ---> system admin ---> preferences ---> general

near the bottom with cookie info you'll see a option to use sessions and session times.

hope this is of help.


hacks............. mmmmmmmmm............. extending sessions works on my site with out hacks, didn't see the replys you guys made sorry.

BAD! BAD! XOOPS admin..... I hope your IPS likes you.
There is a problem with simply extending the session length... it chewes up server processing. The reason being that the session data is stored on the server, so depending on the number of people visiting the site, it could be a minor issue, or it could be a big deal (and while it may not be big deal for you, your ISP may think otherwise... most sites are hosted on shared server.... and if EVERYONE is storing session data on it )
And even some of the hacks out there do nothing more than extend that session in some pretty spectacular fasions.

Bottom line: Bacareful of what hack you implement.


Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 22:05

  • Anonymous

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LOL! Ok, now I am confused.
Let me rephrase this.

is there a way to auto log people in without killing the server with sessions. Kind of like how vB3 and IPB 1.3 works.

I would like to fix it so when someone logs in they are autologed in for a year, using cookies.

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 22:08

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

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I don't apply hacks, me stays with the XOOPS core, lol

I checked my Dedicated server stats yesterday, we had aprox. 82,000 hits (Today only) and last week we had a peak day of Aprox. 98,000 (Sunday) hits and the server seems fine with this for all the sites I run (4 XOOPS sites).

Is this normaly a issue........ I've not encountered it yet?

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 22:11

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

Sorry autologins, lol missunderstood there, here you go:

"auto login" or "remember me"


XoopsWiki : XoopsAutoLoginHack

hope this is of help.

Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 22:12

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

It's possible.... but it isn't easy.... I've been able to sucessfully implement it in my site: http://www.developerkb.com .... but it came at a price.... because I had to modify some core files, and add a new one.... I'm perpatually stuck in a slightly older version of XOOPS and have not been able to upgrade to the latest like I want to.
A total of 4 files were harmed in the process.
Essentially, it involved the login process to check for the "Remember Me" flag and setting a cookie. Then I had to check for that cookie any time the user hit ANY page on the site (so if they are following a link from email or typed it right in they get auto logged in)..... After some sleepless nights, I discovered that I had to separate this from the original checklogin page, and do some smoke and mirrors to get it to refresh properly (while keeping it transparent to the user)
Then there was an issue with the user's changing their password and the cookie not getting updated.....
I think the XOOPS Core people are going to (hopefully) better implement this in future version.


Re: Keeping people loged in
  • 2003/11/24 23:18

  • Anonymous

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Ok, thanks guys. I think I will look for another product which has basic features ;)

Thanks anyway.


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