http://authorzone.com/zemp/AuthorZoneSoftware.rarThat is the software my AuthorZone.Com site runs on. I had it custom made.
Here is the scoop:
The software cirrently requires vBulletin 2.3.2 because I had it written to use the vB regustration system and share database.
Once vB2.3.2 is installed there is an extra tables sql files which needs to be run in the phpMyAdmin to create the extra tables etc. This can be automated easely.
The software is very powerful and you can see what it does on
http://authorzone.com and this can be a very useful Module to further BOOST XOOPS community building ideology.
It also requires the vB global.php I believe. But this can easely be changed to use the XOOPS db and global etc.
Porting this sfotware should not be hard at all.
If anyone wants to port it to XOOPS you have my permission to do so provided you do not charge for the Module.
The guys who developed it can be reached at
mike.bergman@trinitywebs.comhttp://trinitywebs.comshould you need any help etc.
HERE are the features the software has and more of them can be seen on AuthorZone.Com AFTER you sign up for an account since its true power is visible to registered members once they are loged in.
Feel free to ask me any questions and I will help any way I can.
BTW this forum sucks. I checked the boxes to remind me when there are replies to my posts and I never get any notifications.Max