I think I'm just stupid... but I can't seem to get my blocks working correctly. What I want is to put a block on the top page that has a little blurb and a picture, easy enough, but for some reason only logged in users can view it. I can't seem to get any blocks that aren't system blocks to be displayed on the top page if you are anonymous user. Then I just edit a system block that I don't use to hold the article so it displays on the top page... but then it is displayed on every page and I can't get it to stop.
I would like it to work like this site, where there are a few other blocks of info on the front page (system blocks) that when you click through to the forum page, they aren't there... but the damn thing just won't cooperate.
I havn't tried looking at the code cause I'm php dumb still, but if someone could point me in the right direction or give me some advice I'd appreciate it.