Catzwolf wrote:
zeroK wrote:
Great work
I'm not sure if this is system specific, but the filemanger generates wrong links here (The original filemanager doesn't.) The problem here is, that the script path is doubled up which is causes be the $url in the $urlpath definition. After removing it, the upload manager generates correct links
Hmm strange, does not on my system? What is yours?
Which area of the filemanager would this cause problems?
Many thanks
http://www.edu.uni-klu.ac.at/~hgutmann/info.phpThe whole navigation doesn't work for me. There is also a problem with creating directories and creating files because the $dirpath seems not to be available where it is needed. Uploading files does also not work for me via the filemanager I think again because of a wrong $dirpath. I've only looked for about 10minutes at the code but perhaps this is the problem: The dirpath is generted from the $rootpath if it's set. When you upload something , the $rootpath would have to transmitted as $_POST whereas normally it should be transmitted as $_GET. So in this case the $dirpath is only created from the $root should point to a directory that at least should be not world-writable. So the uploading fails.
This whole things could be causes by my server being in safe-mode and the code being written for php4.3.x, but I'm not sure about that
Uploading files into an article does work more or less. The file is uploaded with 0600 permissions but it is not linked to the article.