Why are there "crooked" modules marked as "Stable" in the repository?
Downloaded and installed the wgevents-1.0.6-stable module. And templates are a solid error : SmartyCompilerException: Syntax error in the template.
People (especially beginners) are trying to install such modules. They see that it doesn't work. And the reputation of xoops is falling.
For example , it was prescribed:<{xoAppUrl /modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=edit&bid=}><{$block.id}>" title="<{$smarty.const.THEME_TOOLBAR_EDIT_THIS_BLOCK}>">
, and you need: <{xoAppUrl '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=edit&bid='}><{$block.id}>" title="<{$smarty.const.THEME_TOOLBAR_EDIT_THIS_BLOCK}>">
And other errors that cause the site not to load.
P.S. It probably depends on the version of xoops.