We are happy to announce the release of version 1.5 of the module xmcontent.
This version brings 2 major new features:
- Modification of the content from the user part
- Possibility to include a page in another
The complete list:
Version: 1.5 Final
Date: 14.03.2021
Bug fixes:
- The search ignored permissions.
- Tempaltes encoding problem.
- Fixed an error with xmdoc.
- Fixed an error with the content filter (admin).
- Code optimization.
- Better integration of XMF.
- Added modification permission.
- The content is now editable from the user part.
- PHP8 compatibility.
- Integration of xmsocial to rate content and add social media.
- We can now include a page in another page.
- Users who had the rights to edit content could change the permissions.
Now only those who have the right to administer the module can do it.
To see the description of the module and download it:
xmcontent on http://www.monxoops.fr