Hi XOOPSers,
today I want to show you my websitre
All about M.A.S.K. . But before I do so, I need to thank
goffy for his support at
myxoops.org. Without him, the site wasn´t possible.
What I use at
All about M.A.S.K. :
XOOPS: XOOPS 2.5.11 Beta 1
Theme: Goffys wgskiclub theme and modifyed it for my site
Modules: - Most parts of the site is using the myalbum-p module, back from the early days of xoops. With help of goffy the module is now running under the lastest XOOPS version. It is used in 6 installations, all with unique names.
- adslight
- contact-
- mylinks
- publisher
- waiting content
- wflinks
- wggallery
- xlanguage
- xoopstube (modified)
- xsitemap
I also included a lot of features, not included in XOOPS, to the site.
Flipbooks or
360° views

Enjoy the site, any feedback is welcome