How is IP filtering/ban done in XOOPS protector?
  • 2019/9/26 15:59

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

My provider have upgraded their platform and now we sit behind a load balancer or firewall. This has the consequences that the web server we are on will always the same IP address.

During testing I wanted to open access only to me and was forced to use XFF in .htaccess rather that the traditional require ip.

SetEnvIF X-Forwarded-For "" AllowIP

env AllowIP

Would the IP filtering mechanism in XOOPS based on XFF by any chances?

Re: How is IP filtering/ban done in XOOPS protector?

The IP used by protector is resolved in \Xmf\IPAddress::fromRequest(). Unfortunately, it is not using X-Forwarded-For at the moment.

RFC 7239 looks promising, but XFF seems to still be the defacto standard. It should be supported here. I will add a ticket to add support for it, and it will be part of 2.5.11 - coming soon.

Edit: ticket is here: https://github.com/XOOPS/xmf/issues/64

Re: How is IP filtering/ban done in XOOPS protector?
  • 2019/10/7 8:52

  • fabou78

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2012/6/16

Indeed RFC 7239 look goods. I though that XFF was a already a standard but as per RFC it is not.

Thanks for this,


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