I do not have this problem!
What version of xoops do you have? What does debug mode say?I found the problem The version of TDMDownloads is only compatible with xoops 2.5.9...
To make it compatible with 2.5.8 you need to modify the file TDMDowloads/class/tree.php With this code:
class TDMObjectTree extends XoopsObjectTree {
protected function makeArrayTreeOptions($fieldName, $key, &$ret, $prefix_orig, $prefix_curr = '')
if ($key > 0) {
$value = $this->_tree[$key]['obj']->getVar($this->_myId);
$ret[$value] = $prefix_curr . $this->_tree[$key]['obj']->getVar($fieldName);
$prefix_curr .= $prefix_orig;
if (isset($this->_tree[$key]['child']) && !empty($this->_tree[$key]['child'])) {
foreach ($this->_tree[$key]['child'] as $childKey) {
$this->makeArrayTreeOptions($fieldName, $childKey, $ret, $prefix_orig, $prefix_curr);
public function makeArrayTree($fieldName, $prefix = '-', $key = 0) {
$ret = array();
$this->makeArrayTreeOptions($fieldName, $key, $ret, $prefix);
return $ret;
I tested on xoops 2.5.9 and I did not see the problem, sorry.