animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/3/31 14:11

  • ccpedigree

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2016/3/31

I see this forum has been of great help with other questions regarding the animal pedigree.
I am admin of the website http://www.canecorsopedigree.com and we are trying to move the site to a new server. We keep running into problems to get the site active on the new server. There is always and http/500 error and we don't know where it's coming from. Can you help us please??
We run pedigree module version 1.28 and system admin version 2.13

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/1 9:40

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11415

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Please describe how you are "moving" it to the other server?

There might be some issues with the PHP version - are they the same on both servers?

The best way is to first copy the XOOPS Website and make sure that it works properly on the new server. Once it works, then you can copy individually the modules and test them, so you know if this is a XOOPS issue, or module issue.

At this moment I don't have enough information from you to be able to help you....
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Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/1 11:09

  • ccpedigree

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2016/3/31

Hi Mamba,

PHP version is 5.3.29.

If I set debug in database still no errors appear, just a blank page.

I also disabled each module in the database, no difference.

Changed theme to default in database, no difference.

Put error reporting E_ALL in code, no difference.

If I change the database login in mainfile.php, an error is thrown. So mainfile.php is processed.

I think the PHP versions are different on the servers.

Xoops version is 2.3.3b

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/1 13:12

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11415

  • Since: 2004/4/23

I think the PHP versions are different on the servers.

Check what versions do you have.

Also, check the error logs to see what is happening there.

Maybe this will provide some clues...
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/2 13:01

  • ccpedigree

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  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2016/3/31

On the old server we're using:

On the new server:

The error logs are currently not showing any errors.

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/2 15:52

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11415

  • Since: 2004/4/23

You might need to install the plain XOOPS, without any modules to see if the server is working correctly.

Once this is done, then you can try to move the modules.

What other modules do you have?

Maybe you could try to install XOOPS 2.5.8-RC2 for testing, and then install your module, and see if it works. Your XOOPS 2.3.3b is way too old, and you're not taking advantage of many of the improvements done over the years...
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/11 15:05

  • ccpedigree

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2016/3/31

I installed a blank Xoops, that works.

When I install the Animal module, the site keeps working, except the Animal module returns a blank page. No errors in debug, etc.

I also tested this on a local Wamp install, same issue. Also nothing in php_error.log, just a blank page.

So it must be the Animal module....but without any errors thrown it is hard to find where....any ideas?

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server

Thanks for testing!

It depends on the configurations, but usually I usually see fatal PHP errors in the apache log.

I'm having trouble locating a definitive version of animal or pedigree.

It does not look like any version I've found has had a PHP7 conversion done. It uses a lot of direct mysql calls that will be fatal errors. It looks like it would install under PHP 7, but then not work when accessed, so I continued testing under PHP 5.6.

I tried Pedigree 1.30 Beta1 from the sourceforge module repository, and it seemed to work.

I also tried Pedigree 1.31 Alpha 5 from github, and got blank content when entering. It showed an error with loading a template. I submitted a PR to fix that, so it should be available once someone can do a quality check. It may be a little while until the PHP 7 compatibility is done.

I would like to see the version you are having issues with if it is something not covered above.

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server

The Pedigree module on GitHub has been updated with the changes mentioned before, plus it no longer uses the mysql extension calls that caused it to fail under PHP 7. It does still toss some warning messages, but it does seem to work.

It is now at Alpha 6, and testing by anyone familiar with Pedigree would be greatly appreciated.

Re: animal pedigree database, problems moving to new server
  • 2016/4/14 12:31

  • ccpedigree

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2016/3/31

Alpha 6 gives blank pages.

1.30 Beta1 with Xoops 2.5.7 works ok.

I now am converting the data from the old pedigree site into the new site, manually with PHPMyAdmin.

Thanks for your help.


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