Publisher 1.02 RC5 (Release Candidate 5) is available for testing.
You can download it from
You can also fork it from there, and submit your improvements or bug fixes.
We encourage everybody to open an account on GitHub and get used to working with Git, as this is the current Industry Standard.
Please note:a) This version is developed and tested ONLY on XOOPS and XOOPS 2.5.8 Beta
b) this is RC-5, so your testing and feedback is appreciated
c) the TCPDF library has been updated and moved to
If you would like to test PDF, you can download it from
our SVN as well (use the "Download Snapshot" link)We'll be offering it soon on GitHub as well.
We are also looking for help with the
Tutorial for Publisher and for few other modules.
You can fork the
Publisher Tutorial in GitHub, and then use
GitBook to modify it, or you can modify it manually, directly in GitHub, or on your local PC with your own editor.
The beauty of this approach is that once you learn how to use GitHub, you can use these skills for both source code and for Documentation