I have finished my Alumni module for Xoops 2.6.0 and will be releasing it this week.
It is for Xoops 2.6.0 ALPHA from GitHub
Normally I would not release anything for an ALPHA version of Xoops, but I need to be ready.
The only reason I am calling it ALPHA is because Xoops 2.6.0 is ALPHA.
It works great for me so far, a couple issues but I don't know if it is Xoops or me yet.
I don't expect it will work in the future but I needed to be more ready than I was, when a new release from Xoops comes.
I have already done a lot of work just to make it work with this ALPHA version of Xoops.
My modules as well as many other Xoops modules were not built with object orientated php, which is weird because Xoops has object orientated in its name.
I am so glad that this module is now OOPSed or close enough for now. Classifieds is almost finished too. I have not started the Jobs module yet, as it will be the hardest.
that's why I started with the Alumni module.
There are many file changes in this version,.
You can use your old Alumni database and Photos But everything else will need to be deleted.
I am putting all the photos in one folder called photos, in that folder will be grad_photo, now_photo and school_photos all will need to be writable.
I have also added tablesorter to the categories pages as well as the listing section in the admin.
Tablesorter is a jquery script for sorting and pagination, I love it. I hope I can keep it for the final version.
Tablesorter comes from here:
http://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/docs/index.htmlThe best thing about ALPHA software is that you can ask for new features and if I like them and I think I can impliment them, I will.
I know I need to do something better for the photos, but it's ALPHA.
I have tested this module on the following servers:
PHP Version 5.3.26
mySQL Version 5.5.36-cll
Server API cgi-fcgi
PHP Version 5.5.11 & 5.5.12
mySQL Version 5.5.36-MariaDB
Server API apache2handler
And everything works for me. Knock on wood.
If you have any issues with this module please report it here on Xoops.
I have some questions about where 2.6.0 is going.
1. Will the folder locale eventually replace the language folder?
2. I still think there is something wrong with notifications, a regular user can't access that area at all.
3. The search doesn't seem to remember the andor, it always goes to ALL(AND). So I removed it
from my module, it was probably confusing anyway.
I am curious to see what a php guru thinks of what I have done, and what I did wrong.