xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/17 12:58

  • 4asrir

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2009/4/18

hi ,

i use xoops for a long time , but this days i start to think again , i noticed that the first sites in search engine used " wordpress " , also my site with xoops isnt compatible with google mobile . and i was surprising when i realise that even xoops.org isnt an mobile friendly site !


Re: xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/19 0:35

  • xoobaru

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 494

  • Since: 2010/12/2

Your not alone, everyone here would like to see Xoops mobile.

XoopsFrance came up with what was the first mobile compatible theme, but they dropped the ball.

But then again France built two huge helo carriers under contract for $1.2 Billion for Russia, refuses to deliver them, and will probably take them out to sea so their shipbuilders can watch as they sink them instead.

As was just announced under the News column, the 2.6 presentation layer has just begun. This is a good time for such issues to be brought into circulation.

Re: xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/19 5:22

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

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  • Since: 2004/4/23

Your not alone, everyone here would like to see Xoops mobile.

We'll have more and more "responsive" themes based on Bootstrap, than should work fine on mobile phones.

We are currently waiting for the new theme being developed for XOOPS German Support that we might utilize on this Website as well.

http://www.xoops.org will have a "responsive theme", but let's wait to see if we can leverage what is being developed in the German-speaking countries.
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Re: xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/19 10:30

  • 4asrir

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 39

  • Since: 2009/4/18

As we all know , since April 21, 2015 google changed their algorithm search by giving privilege to sites compatible with mobile , this update show us a lot of signs about the compatibility of xoops with search engines .

I think it's not about just the theme , but the whole systeme , i use xoops for 8 years til now , for sure its a great systeme , but i can't stop asking myself : why wordpress is compatible with search engines by difeaut installation , and xoops not !!

yes the theme can fix some issues , but there is also : googleboot can' access to some files ! and this we can't fix it with new theme !

we need a huge update to this systeme to give a smooth access to the new google updates , the future is for mobiles my friends .

Re: xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/19 12:28

  • xoobaru

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 494

  • Since: 2010/12/2

The ratio of XOOPS (11,529) versus WordPress (74,652,825) sites on the web is 6475:1 in favor of Wordpress, so the simple math justifies the results you see in Google webmaster tools. (exact dates of surveys unknown).

XOOPS has a Wordpress powered module called xpressme, that was being maintained as of 2012-2013, that if still maintained, would provide Wordpress presence in XOOPS installations.

Re: xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/25 17:29

  • chco2

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 374

  • Since: 2004/3/5 1

I agree it should be build in. On the other hand it is very easy to do this and for me it's actually handy to have two separate themes.. one for desktop and one for mobile (you could even make more, like e.g. for tablets).
This is because the desktop versions have around 70% more content (for the websites I had to make) and with a separate theme for mobile I'm more flexible as to what to include.

Re: xoops Compatibility with Mobile / mobile friendly !!
  • 2015/5/31 22:21

  • xoobaru

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 494

  • Since: 2010/12/2

I concur, just add mobile user agent detection and switching and you're in business.


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