Wishcraft is back off holidays! How things have change!

Hey all how are you? Just so you know I hadn't abandoned the XOOPS project, I was just on extended leave, after developing around 40 modules for XOOPS 2.5 and myself and mamba at the repetitiveness of the system notices and emails we sent around, I decided to silently go on holidays.

You may notice through the threads that sometimes me and mamba have a spat at each other, that is more or less we have become more personally involved in each other (he is my boy friend, joking!) no just over the decade or so I have been involved in XOOPS some of the team are like family and like family you have disagreements every now and again.

I was suffering and still from lower back pain from the several decades of programming, but I don't think i want the option my cousin is trialling standing at the computer as I have seen with defence people and so on that stand a lot the arches of their feet collapse and it causes them pain to even walk.. Anyway we will see how Professor Matthew Roberts fairs with this, might need to find some periodically standing and sitting as well as hammock mode as well I think matt.

I did ask griff if he needed help in the core like I have with phppp a couple of times, but he seems to have it under control. I will be stripping back the number of modules I convert to XOOPS 2.6 which you will find journalese on the blog on my sourceforge project for my Cooperative Chronolabs. This is basically as the library in XOOPS 2.5 became too much to maintain and support and I have to make a living from my business as well as offering quality not rushed open source!

If you would like to Join Chronolabs we are looking for developers for a few long term projects and looks like all the legal documents for collecting ICANN/IANA Debt are all falling into place like last time in Dynasty 2 we're we are here again in prince Greorge william son and it is in Long play of history now so hopefully we will be making a suburb called XOOPS and one called Chronolabs and providing VC money to the XOOPS project so the project team is paid! We will all wait and see!



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