Thank you for the report. Here is a solution to the issue you're seeing:
in ./admin/main.php around line 820 you will see:
$imgurl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($catObj->getVar('imgurl'));
please replace this line with:
$imgurl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($catObj->getVar('imgurl', 'n'));
EDIT: I forgot to also give you the fix for the frontside. In ./index.php change line 55 from:
$imgurl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($catObj->getVar('imgurl'));
$imgurl = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($catObj->getVar('imgurl', 'n'));
May I also suggest for a better way to edit links instead of having use link id, a drop down list of links which when one is clicked opens in edit mode or a similar solutions like tdmdownloads module list all entries with an edit button to the side of each entry.
Yes, this feature is in the next revision (v3.12) along with a lot of other improvements. Version 3.12 is currently in alpha testing. Once I fix the existing bugs in v3.11 and update the code required for the thumbshots.com support I will release v3.11 and then finish version 3.12.