Web page Changes not saving?
  • 2013/4/18 16:02

  • bpac

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2013/4/18

I have an older version of Xoops (likely 10 years old). It has worked very well with no issues for the last 10 years. However within the last 6-9 months, I have been having problems with formatting (sizing, bolding etc.) text on some random pages. Also after designing or altering some pages the editor seems to not save the changes even though I submit the changes & submit the permissions. The page will remain unchanged. I have talked with my website guy and he thinks the whole program/website should be replaced. I like the old editor, it always has worked well and is easy to use up until lately. Is there a patch or fix for this? Can we reload the original editor? Is there a software upgrade that will cure this problem without having to redo my site?

Re: Web page Changes not saving?
  • 2013/4/18 16:13

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

More than likely the problem you're seeing stems from the fact that your web host has probably upgraded your version of PHP (probably several times ). If the site is as old as you say then the code you're using probably uses $HTTP_GET_VARS which is no longer supported in PHP and would need to be replaced by $_GET (the same with several other variables - $_POST, $_SERVER, etc).

There's several other changes in 'modern' installations of PHP (5.x series) that have changed the way PHP behaves and quite a few functions have been deprecated over the years (like all of the ereg functions).

There are also a lot of security improvements in both PHP and XOOPS (both core and modules) that need to be looked at too...

We'll need to know a little more about your installation before we can help guide you through an upgrade. Things like XOOPS version, any modules installed (and their versions), XOOPS theme used, PHP version, and MySQL version. Typically you can find an upgrade path to a more recent version of XOOPS and modules that will allow you to upgrade without having to recreate your site from scratch.

Re: Web page Changes not saving?
  • 2013/4/18 21:43

  • bpac

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2013/4/18

Here is the info from my website guy. Please suggest what editor/software I can buy or get to fix my issues. Thanx for your input and help with this problem.

PHP is version 5.3.23
MySQL 5.1.68

XOOPS 2.0.16

- Found in your Admin Panel: 'Modules Administration' ( http://barriepaintball.com/modules/system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin)
System Admin version 1
Content version 1
Xoopsgallery2 version 2.04
Liaise version 1.26
Article Management System version 2.41
multiMenu version 1.82


Re: Web page Changes not saving?

You will have to upgrade to a newer version of Xoops.

This will not be a minor undertaking.

If you are not familiar with PHP you will need to have some help to accomplish this.

A number of your modules will have new versions or stuff that will work with the old stuff but you may loose other modules.

If you can go back to an older host that would help but the older versions are no where near as secure as newer versions.


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