Thank you flipse
You can verify, if you have time, english language files of each module listed
Only prevent me before, by MP, the module you're working on, to avoid doing the same thing at the same time.
Recommendations:1 - Remove spaces. Format "define"
bad example define
("_AM_MYTABS_CREATE_TAB", "Create a new tab");
Good example (no spaces!)
define ("_AM_MYTABS_CREATE_TAB","Create a new tab");
2 - Replace (') by ("). Careful, if you make automatic replacement (non-manual), some words will be processed and it will be a disaster. Example:
define ('_MI_DEFACER_DISPERMISSIONS_DSC',"This will disable all permission Defacer's actions");
will be transformed into:
define ("_MI_DEFACER_DISPERMISSIONS_DSC","This will disable all permission Defacer"s actions");
Therefore be careful and put the words correctly.
3 - The English source. Verify that the words or phrases in English are well written. For example Soapbox, as Gwenael pointed today with the word Highlight:
define ("_AM_SB_HILITE", "higlight blocks");
replace with
define ("_AM_SB_HILITE", "Highlight blocks");
_AM_SB_HILITE is poorly written, too, but we do not care. We note the error for a developer modifies it, and everything that is connected with.
4 - Language files must be in UTF-8 without BOM.
5 - Remove newlines
Now I'll work on the Soapbox module.